mental structure or process that is used alone or in
combination with other knowledge components, to
accomplish steps in a task or to solve a problem.
User-oriented e-healthcare applications include
websites, chat sessions, newsgroups, e-mail
exchanges with medical experts, wireless and digital
broadcasts, and other compilations of online
resources. Developing such a self-care system
requires close cooperation between IT and clinical
staff. Self-care brings many benefits, i.e., ongoing
costs and waiting time reduction, early avoidance of
problems by self-diagnosis, networking of cancer
survivors peer interaction, reaching more widely
geographically dispersed groups. However, the
tailoring of the website content requires heavy
involvement of medical experts. There is also the
risk of losing contact with people who might be
vulnerable but will not ask for help as well as the
need to legally regulate the roles of knowledge
brokers and access to knowledge bases by users
(Moody et al., 2013).
A knowledge broker (i.e., a patron) is to ensure a
mutual understanding of goals and cultures, while
collaborating with users to identify issues and
problems for which solutions are requested.
Knowledge brokers should facilitate the
identification, access, assessment, interpretation, and
translation of medical research evidence into local
policy and practice. They ought to assist users in
translating medical evidence into locally relevant
recommendations for self-practice. They develop a
trusting and positive relationship with end users,
while at the same time they are promoting exchange
of knowledge.
The paper is concerned with the enterprise
architecture stakeholders as active and passive
partners who are involved in the process of the EA
products development. The reviewed in the paper
enterprise architecture frameworks focus mostly on
the enterprise methodology and stakeholder aspects
are omitted. Therefore, the development of
stakeholder oriented architecture frameworks is still
a challenge. Some good works have been done by
the Open Group, therefore the e-healthcare
prosumption architecture model was done in
ArchiMate language.
The presented in the last part of the paper
architecture model is developed to emphasize the
stakeholder position as well as an important proposal
that could be further realized. It should be noticed
that since the beginning of human life the first
medical diagnosis was the auto-diagnosis (or
diagnosis done by the nearest family) and the first
therapy is usually auto-therapy. The presented in
academic studies and in real life healthcare practices
emphasize the passive role of the patient. However,
the high cost of medical treatment and open access
to Internet enable to look for new ways of the
development of the medical auto-diagnosis, self-
monitoring, self-testing and going further - self-care.
Nowadays, almost all diseases are described online,
and virtual communities are developed to support
patients and their relatives. Therefore the e-
healthcare system based on knowledge brokering
could support knowledge management.
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