identification form of nonlinear system is not re-
quired, provided that ANFIS is an identification form
itself. Its network weight value consists of adjustable
parameters. This system can identify nonlinear sys-
tems in temperament and in result the network can
approach the input and output data of the system. AN-
FIS gather the advantages of both fuzzy identifica-
tion and neural network identification. It takes lesser
computational epochs than neural network for highly
real nonlinear systems. It contracts with the structure
knowledge with weaken speed and strong submerge.
ANFIS can also be used to control online system fore-
cast systems output instead of real physical systems
(ZhixiangHow, 2003).
An alternative to the identification of nonlinear
systems is modified ANFIS method proposed by
(Fonseca, 2012). This has obtained by modification
of the ANFIS proposed by (Jang, 1993). The identi-
fication of nonlinear systems using the modified AN-
FIS is performed through the local linear models iden-
tified and subsequently trained by backpropagation
training algorithm, and performing the combination
of these local models for a nonlinear system identi-
fication which fully represents the plant. The modi-
fied ANFIS also has some advantages over the origi-
nal ANFIS, as will be showing in the case study.
In this paper we present a case study where was
identified 6 models using the modified ANFIS, chang-
ing the order of local models and the auxiliary vari-
able. An order analysis of the local models was per-
formed as well as the quantity and the importance
of the auxiliary variable in the modified ANFIS. For
the case study was using a didactic plant Quaser with
nonlinear dynamics to perform the identification of
The next sections of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 will present the main theoretical con-
cepts necessary for the work development. Section
3 will present an application of the modified ANFIS.
Section 4 will present the main results and contribu-
tions made by the development of this work.
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS)
developed by Jang (Jang, 1993), can be seen as an
artificial neural network of six layers interconnected
by individual weights, where each layer is responsi-
ble for an operation result in output equivalent to that
found in a particular stage of a fuzzy system Takagi-
Sugeno (Jang, 1993) (Jang and Sun, 1995).It is there-
fore an hybrid technique, Artificial Intelligence that
infers knowledge using the principles of fuzzy logic to
this structure and adds the possibility of the inherent
learning ANN. One of the main advantages of AN-
FIS in relation to ANN is the way of encoding knowl-
edge. While this one is encoded in weights, whose ac-
tions are difficult to interpret, the ANFIS knowledge
is encoded in a structure that has a certain approach
of logic used by humans.
2.1 Hybrid Learning Algorithm
This algorithm has been proposed with the ANFIS
is a hybrid algorithm which combines the gradient
method and the least squares estimate (LSE) to iden-
tify parameters. More specifically, in the forward pass
of the hybrid learning algorithm, functional signals go
forward till layer 4 and the consequent parametrs are
identified by the least squares estimate. In the back-
ward pass, the erro rates propagate backward and the
premise parameters are updated by the gradient de-
scent (Jang, 1993).
2.2 Backpropagation in ANFIS Model
In backpropagation algorithm is necessary to have the
error estimation, the difference of the desired value
and output the estimated model, so that through gra-
dient descent is made to update the parameters. In
ANFIS the estimation error is calculated through the
layer 5 and so propagated to the previous layers, as
can see in (Jang, 1993).
2.3 The Modified ANFIS
The modified ANFIS proposed by (Fonseca, 2012),
is a modification of ANFIS to obtain a system-
atic method for identifying, from linear identification
techniques. This method gets local linear models and
are combined by the modified ANFIS structure. Af-
ter the modified ANFIS training is obtained a global
identification of the plant.
The modification made to the ANFIS consists of
independently leaving the inputs of the first and fifth
layers, ie, may be the same or not, depending on the
purpose and desired accuracy for the application. This
method is divided into four steps.
The first step consists in dividing the plant uni-
verse of discourse in operating points, around which
can be obtained linear models representing operating
regions. It should be chosen the least number of pos-
sible operating points, able to satisfactorily represent
the plant throughout the operating range. This way,
you avoid the unnecessary increase in complexity and
computational cost.