tection and isolation for linear time-varying systems
subject to additive faults with time-varying profiles is
described. The proposed approach combines a gener-
alized likelihood ratio test with a recursive filter that
cancels out the dynamics of the monitored fault ef-
In this paper, we propose a method that consid-
ers an abrupt change in a sensor signal values. The
signal is estimated by a static regression model with
bounded noise on a sliding window. An unwanted in-
creasing of estimate variance, that indicates a change
point, is prevented by the window resetting.
The implementation in practice requires fast algo-
rithms that can run in real time with a relatively high
sampling frequency (200Hz or higher) for a system
composed of tens of units to be observed. Therefore,
another criterion is a computational simplicity.
The choice of the method is given by demands
of the application being developed. The method
must be compatible with the mechanisms already
implemented, particularly probabilistic (subjective)
logic (Jøsang, 2008) as a tool to build a hierarchical
structure of the basic components (blocks).
Because a sensor deterioration can manifest itself,
among others, by increase of the signal noise, the sig-
nal variance is used as an input quantity to evaluate
uncertainty of the sensor condition (Ettler and Dede-
cius, 2015). This is one of several sensor tests.
The purpose of this work is to propose an esti-
mator of a scalar signal’s variance, resistant to abrupt
changes, i. e. to jumps in the data.
Subjective logic is a kind of probabilistic logic, intro-
duced by (Jøsang, 2008). Except of terms “true” and
“false”, used by a traditional binary logic, it operates
with a term “not known”. We present basic terms of
this field, details can be found e. g. in (Jøsang, 2008).
According to analysis or observation, a binomial
opinion ω on truth value of a statement x is formu-
lated. Formally, ω = (b, d,u,a). The items of the vec-
tor ω are
• b — probability that x is true (belief),
• d — probability that x is false (disbelief),
• u — probability that state of x is unknown
• a — prior belief in x being true (base rate).
It holds b+ d + u = 1.
The subjective logic defines logical operations on
binomial opinions like addition, multiplication, co-
multiplication, averaging fusion etc. If a state of each
component of a complex system is described by its
binomial opinion, these opinions can be composed by
the logical operations mentioned above according to
the logical composition of the system. In this way,
the structure of the system can be described hierar-
chically and binomial opinion on the whole system
state can be derived.
The binomial opinion ω can be mapped e. g. to
parameters of beta distribution.
A relation between the signal variance and uncer-
tainty of the respective sensor condition has been pro-
posed in (Ettler and Dedecius, 2015). Increased un-
certainty of modules’ condition would negatively af-
fect uncertainty of the whole plant (“false alarm”), al-
though values of measured quantities are located in
usual intervals and the signal variance without the
jump is proper.
To avoid construction and identification of a complex
generic model for particular type of sensor data (e. g.
dynamic probabilistic mixture), the model is chosen
simple with a mechanism to resits abrupt changes.
The purpose of the model is estimation of the signal
variance as an input quantity for evaluation of uncer-
tainty of the sensor condition.
User given bounds on values of the data given
by the sensor motivated us to choose a model with
bounded noise, particularly uniformly distributed,
which is the simplest case of bounded distributions.
3.1 Uniform Model of Sensor Signal
A sensor signal y
is described by the following model
(t = 1,2, ...,T is discrete time)
= K + e
where K is an unknown parameter and e
is an uni-
formly distributed white noise e
, i.e. e
∼ U(−r, r);
r > 0 is unknown. The equivalent description of y
probability density function (pdf) is
) = U(K − r,K + r) = U(L,U), (2)
where L = K − r, U = K + r.
3.2 Bayesian Estimation
To estimate parameters K and r in (2), we use a
Bayesian maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation.