ported by the new approach described here. However,
no sophisticated numerical procedure could be suc-
cessful without: a) a user friendly interface, and b) an
understanding of the problem by the user. In our case,
the target functions as well as the parameter bound-
ary values are stated as time vectors. In the worst
case, the user has to determine 43 vectors; 1 vector of
initial states, 34 boundary vectors and 8 vectors with
target trajectories in order to perform a particular op-
timization run. The minimal set of input data when
boundaries and initial states are set automatically on
the basis of historical data is the vector of goal states
with terminal time.
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Agency ARRS, Proj. No.: BI-RU/14-15-047 and Re-
search Program Group No. P5-0018 (A).
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