els, the author observed that the delay between end
of classification to start of assembly is a minor source
of yard congestion in comparison with classification
and assembly operations. A thorough description of
railyards is presented in the first paper.
Turnquist and Daskin (1982) models yard opera-
tions from the perspective of freight cars and devel-
oped queuing models for classification and connec-
tion delays that consider individual cars as the basic
units of arrival. Martland (1982) described a method-
ology for estimating the total connection time of cars
passing through a classification yard. The model is
based on a function, fitted using actual data from the
railroad, that relates the probability of making a par-
ticular train connection to the time available to make
that connection and other variables such as traffic pri-
ority and volume.
In terms of sorting strategies and block-to-
classification track assignment, Siddiqee (1971) com-
pares four sorting and train formation schemes in a
railroad hump yard. Yagar et al. (1983) proposes
a screening technique and a dynamic programming
approach to optimize humping and assembly opera-
tions. They propose an algorithm consisting of two
main components: a screening technique and a de-
tailed cost minimization procedure for the humping
and assembly phases. Daganzo et al. (1983) inves-
tigated the relative performance of different multi-
stage sorting strategies. In multistage sorting, several
blocks are assigned to each classification track, and
cars must be resorted during train formation. More
recently, in multistage sorting Jacob et al. (2011) de-
velops a novel encoding of classification schedules,
which allows characterizing train classification meth-
ods simply as classes of schedules. Avramovi
c (1995)
models the physical process of cars moving down the
hump of a yard. This process is represented by a sys-
tem of differential equations that incorporate several
factors, such as hump profile and rolling resistance,
affecting the movement of a car.
The simulation model presented here draws from
some of the findings presented in these earlier papers.
Yagar et al. (1983) also considers a FIFO strategy for
the humping; however, it does not investigate how the
performance of each strategy is correlated to the flow
of the inbound trains. The purpose of the analysis
here goes beyond proposing priority rules to under-
stand the dynamics of the flow of trains jointly with
the priority rules. In order to concentrate our atten-
tion, we have decided to relegate for now aspects such
as sorting decisions (Daganzo et al., 1983) and distri-
bution of times (Martland, 1982).
The operations of a classification yards is modeled us-
ing a discrete-event simulation model. Given a flow
of inbound trains, the model determines when incom-
ing trains are humped and moved through the yard to
outbound trains. There is no outbound train schedule
pre-defined, the outbound train schedule is defined by
the model and the decisions made in the process.
The model is based on the following assumptions:
• The classification sequence of the inbound trains.
When the number of inspected trains in the re-
ceiving yard exceeds one, the model determines
which train should be humped next. This is es-
pecially important to ensure that incoming trains
find an open receiving track while grouping the
necessary blocks for the outbound trains. Shortest
trains require less time to hump which frees up re-
ceiving tracks quicker but limits the construction
of outbound trains.
• The assembly sequence of the outbound trains.
When the number of cars to form a unit or com-
bination train in the classification area exceeds a
certain number (minimum number of cars deter-
mined by the operational constraints), the pull-
back engine can assemble the string of cars into
an outbound train. When there are multiple po-
tential outbound trains, the model has to deter-
mine which train to pullback. In the given speci-
fications there are two identical pullback engines,
so while the model determines which engine pulls
the train it is not critical for the operational plan.
In our model, there are additional operating char-
acteristics that were established beforehand:
• Scheduling is non preemptive. Once a humping
job is started it cannot be interrupted until all the
railcars in the train have been completely humped.
Similarly, the assembling of outbound trains can-
not be interrupted; all tracks that will form the out-
bound train must be pulled sequentially and with-
out delay between pullbacks.
• Block-to-track assignment is dynamic. Blocks are
assigned to tracks as they are necessary. Empty
tracks become available immediately to whatever
block requires them.
• Block-to-track assignment follows a decreasing
order. When multiple classification tracks store
the same block type, new cars are first assigned
to the track with the highest inventory up to reach
capacity. Similarly, when a track of a block type
needs to be pulled, the track with the most railcars
is pulled first.