architecture is low bandwidth, high frequency
components of crypto-processor current will not
appear at the output of the VCO.
It’s also important to mention that the total charge
taken from supply voltage by the PLL circuit with
the crypto-processor is equal to the charge that the
PLL and crypto-processor take from supply voltage
separately however their current profile is different.
The crypto-processor applied to the PLL in this
design is a 4 bit SBOX implemented with dual rail
current mode differential logic. This PLL based
architecture burns 10.69 μW power at 1 volt supply
This paper presents a new design for smart cards
security realizations. The proposed structure is based
on a low bandwidth phase locked loop to make
power consumption of a cryptographic system
independent from algorithm operation. Simulation
results confirm that by employing this technique
while securing the secret key, total cost and area do
not increase significantly.
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