module if needed. For Java, our JCE receiver mod-
ule for example is implemented using only 1000 lines
of prototypical code, router and sending communica-
tions modules do have 80 loc each with a common
protocol definition of 1500 loc. The code of imported
libraries is not included in the numbers given.
With MoCrySIL, we present our solution of a secure,
flexible and portable personal key store service one
can carry around in his pocket. MoCrySIL removes
the need for a trusted third party and therefore com-
plements our CrySIL solution well.
Our prototype implementation highlights the flex-
ibility of the CrySIL architecture, shows its potential
and affirms the ease of use for developers and end
users. The security analysis of MoCrySIL indicates
that using hardware-backed key storage facilities on
mobile devices allows to reach a significant level of
security. Due to the uncontrolled environment a mo-
bile device is used in, however, the residual risks for
certain threats is higher than in classic deployment
scenarios. Therefore, MoCrySIL focuses on standard
applications where the hardware-backed key storage
facilities on mobile devices already provide a signif-
icant improvement of the security when compared to
standard software-based key storage solutions.
Future work will extend CrySIL’s feature set and
client APIs and heavily focus on extending the flexi-
bility of the authentication system to allow for an even
wider range of use cases.
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