The same as the previous one, but now more than two
parents can be selected in order to produce the current
offspring using Equation 2.
In order to simplify a description of the algorithm,
only solution-based formulas have been displayed, it
should be noted that the corresponding parameters
i, j
and α
i, j
are converted in exactly the same way
as was done for the position variables.
Step 3. Mutation
Mutation is used to ensure the evolutionary diversity
and has been implemented using Equation 2.18 from
(Back, 1996).
Step 4. Selection
In this study we used the standard (µ, λ)and(µ + λ)
selection types.
Step 5. Rank the Solutions
Here all the current solutions should be ranked and
the global best is saved.
The Steps 2 to 5 should be repeated until the stop cri-
terion is True. Regarding the parameters of the ES
procedure, we tried all types of recombination for so-
lutions and parameters independently. The last pa-
rameter is the type of selection.
3.4 Genetic Algorithm
GA, which was originally conceived by Holland (Hol-
land, 1975), represents an abstract model of Dar-
winian evolution where a candidate solution (or indi-
vidual) is encoded with the boolean values (or genes).
In case of pseudo-boolean GA, each gene is filled
with boolean true with the probability equal to 0.5 and
with false otherwise. Let Lower and Upper be the cor-
responding boundaries of the search space and Accu-
racy be the desirable accuracy of the optimal solution.
Then, the necessary number of bits for encoding (N)
is equal to the lowest value for which the following
equation is true:
U pper −Lower
0.1 ×Accuracy + 1
, (3)
thus, each GA’s individual is (n × N)-dimensional
boolean vector, where n is the number of variables
in the optimization task.
A pool of initial individuals (or population) should
better cover the whole search space by uniformly ran-
domizing within the area which is constrained by the
given lower and upper boundaries. Practically, each
gene is filled with boolean true with the probability
equal to 0.5 and with false otherwise.
The next phase is assessment of each solution.
For this reason, each Boolean vector should be de-
coded to an integer vector either with the conventional
boolean-to-integer encoding scheme or with Gray
coding (Gray, 1953). Lastly, to produce the real val-
ues the corresponding interval from [Lower,U pper]
should be selected. The resulting real vector is used
to obtain the current value of the objective function.
Intuitively, the lower the value of the objective
function, the higher the probability that there is a
corresponding individual. For this reason, the selec-
tion procedure should be applied in order to enhance
the probability of including the perspective candidates
into the next generation of GA. We used three differ-
ent strategies of the selection procedure. Proportional
and rank selections operate with the absolute and rank
values of current solutions respectively. It means that
the higher the fitness value or corresponding rank,
which can be obtained by the sorting procedure, the
higher the probability that it is selected. Whereas in
tournament selection, the individual with the higher
fitness function from the group with n individual is
selected into the next generation. The recombination
procedure provides the similarity of the individuals in
the next generation to the best individuals from the
previous one. Lastly, mutation supports the evolution
diversity of individuals.
The described procedure is repeated until the ter-
minate condition is true.
We optimized all the parameters: accuracy,
elitism, Gray coding, types of mutation, selection and
3.5 Particle Swarm Optimization
Being a behavioural algorithm, the PSO technique
(Kennedy et al., 1995) simulates the behaviour of ani-
mal swarms in their natural habitats. The algorithm
optimizes a function by having a number of solu-
tions or particles and moving these particles within
the search-space according to the mathematical for-
mulas. Each particle is characterised by position and
velocity values. The movement of a particular solu-
tion within the search-space is influenced by its local
best known position and the global best known posi-
tion in the search-space, which was achieved by other
particles. More precisely, the following formulas de-
termine the velocity and position of each particle dur-
ing the algorithm flow:
= wv
+ c
) + c
) , (4)
= x
+ v
, (5)
where v
is the d −th velocity component of the i −
th particle, p
is the d −th local best element of the
i −th particle, g
is the d −th global best component
of the i −th particle. r
and r
are normal-distributed