lows to exploit the history of service invocations to
make access control decisions. Unfortunately in prac-
tice the specification of policies in PPLTL is not very
friendly for security designers. (She et al., 2013)
and (Mecella et al., 2006) also discuss access control
in web service composition. Nevertheless, their ap-
proach is different from ours. They consider the issue
of service unavailability along a pathway to a target
service, and they solve it by invoking dynamically al-
ternative services belonging to different domains.
Several extensions of the OrBAC model have been
proposed recently in order to specify security rules
for intra- as well as inter-organizations. For instance
(Y. Deswarte, 2009) have proposed a new access con-
trol framework for inter-Organizational Web services
(PolyOrBAC). The authors model permissions, pro-
hibitions and obligations in timed automata to verify
properties such as reachability and correctness. They
consider the case of a service requested remotely from
a different organization. In this case, in order to au-
thorize a user from a different domain to access a ser-
vice, a particular role is associated to a virtual user,
then a specific rule defined as a circumstance (context
relation in OrBAC) is applied. However, they do not
address the transitive access problem for dependent
services, nor use requesters’ credentials for comput-
ing the rights of access.
We have proposed a solution to the challenging prob-
lem of transitive dependencies in web service invoca-
tions by extending the OrBAC model with a cross-
domain delegation graph (relation). Our model is
flexible and dynamic since permissions are computed
according to the value of users’ credentials at the mo-
ment of the request, while in standard OrBAC, per-
missions are pre-assigned to users when the security
policy is defined. By using Datalog as the specifica-
tion language, the extended OrBAC model supports
an automated analysis technique for executing scenar-
ios before applications are deployed. We have also
shown how access control policies can be enforced
by extending the standard XACML architecture with
a module handling the delegation graph.
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