probabilistic hypotheses are used to guide planning
in a more realistic way which makes this framework
suitable for small-sized domains.
We presented our adaptive probabilistic planning
framework that uses the outputs of an experiential
learning process by an autonomous robot. Our case
study is on multi-object manipulation scenarios where
the robot’s objective is maximizing the cumulative
manipulation performance. The experiential learn-
ing process generates probabilistic hypotheses map-
ping from execution contexts to success or failure out-
comes in a learning-phase. The relevant object at-
tributes are represented in contexts of probabilistic
hypotheses which are fed to the probabilistic planning
framework to reduce the number of potential failures
in future plans. In this way, the robot decides on ac-
tions with higher probabilities of success by consider-
ing the gained experience. Our results show that the
probabilistic guidance in planning achieves the best
manipulation order of the objects within the knowl-
edge of the robot to maximize the transportation suc-
cess over time. In our future work, we aim to re-
duce the computational complexity by automatically
abstracting state representations in such domains.
This research is partly funded by a grant from the Sci-
entific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TUBITAK), Grant No. 111E-286. Authors thank
Melodi Deniz Ozturk, Dogan Altan, Sertac Karapinar
and Mustafa Ersen for their support.
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