a vulnerability and finally an effort estimate for ex-
ploiting found vulnerabilities. We presented an attack
surface taxonomy and definition that can be applied
to the heterogeneous combination of automotive com-
munication channels; We completely abstracted an
ECU’s communication as potential attack surface that
might be susceptible to code injection. We used a vul-
nerability density (ideally for every input channel sep-
arately) for estimating the overall vulnerability likeli-
hood of an ECU. We modelled a concept of reference
attacker profile and attack efforts for an extrapolation
on other, later-defined attacker profiles. Finally, we
gave an attacker effort estimation method for over-
coming active exploit mitigation techniques and suc-
cessfully exploiting an ECU. The result of our method
and metric serves as an input for our graph-based se-
curity analysis. The integration into it was demon-
strated as a proof of concept in Section 3. We thereby
showed that our contribution is not purely academic
but has also an industrial application. The created
method, metric and software helps assessing the se-
curity of embedded controller networks.The metric
implicitly suggests certain ways of securing ECUs:
covering attack surface with firewalls or authentica-
tion checks, shrinking an ECUs attack surface by re-
moving services and inbound data and by harden-
ing attack surface with more secure software (stricter
compiler and programming languages, more defen-
sive programming and exploit mitigation techniques).
The resulting attack surface assessment facilitates a
construction of attack graphs for an overall automo-
tive system security assessment.
Table 2: Symbols Definition.
a ∈ E Access Effort
b ∈ E Basic Exploitation Effort
c ∈ E Counter Exploit-Mitigation Effort
d ∈]0, 1[ Defect Density
e ∈ E Effort E = {(t, r)|t ∈ T ∧ r ∈ R}
f ∈ E Vulnerability Finding Effort
g ∈ E Overall Exploit Creation Effort
i, j ∈ N
A Positive Natural Number
k, n ∈ N
A Positive Natural Number
o ∈ E Overall ECU Exploitation Effort
P Probability Distribution Function
q ∈ [0, 1] Probability
r ∈ R Effort Amount ∈ R
t ∈ T Capability Tag (a Label)
v ∈]0, 1[ Vulnerability Density
x ∈ R An Arbitrary Real Number
X Probability Random Variable
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