dences of its benefits can be shown in practice. For
instance, the scenario presented in the introduction is
realistic and corresponds to a situation addressed by
researchers of the Certus center. In this section, we
go a step further and present the application of rela-
tional feature models to some next-generation appli-
cation domains.
4.1 Context-aware Sensor Fusion
Raw data from sensors and user interaction come in
variable frequencies, from finite/continuous domains,
and have different domain types such as strings, re-
als, and integers. A fusion of the signals received at
an instant needs to be modelled and analyzed to accu-
rately define a context. For instance, in (Acher et al.,
2009), FMs are used to represent environmental con-
texts with features such as luminosity. A context con-
figuration is mapped to the configuration of a vision
system. The choice of RGB camera or infra-red cam-
era is based on detected luminosity, which is a vari-
able with a continuous domain. However, a FM is
severely limited by the boolean nature of feature vari-
ables, easily giving a rise to an exponentially growing
context FM. We believe that extending FMs with con-
tinuous domain variables could simplify the modeling
of sensor fusion applications.
4.2 Filtering in Big Data
The explosion of data from business processes, social
networks, and scientific instruments presents both the
boon of data and the bane of processing it. Often big
data contains numerous redundancies or even faulty
data due to measurement errors. Therefore, there is a
necessity to select data records in a controlled man-
ner. Relational FMs can be used to model a filter
for a large number of multivariate data records in a
database. Data records that are a valid configuration
of a relational FM can be selected for further process-
ing. A relational FM can be seen as filter for selecting
correct and representative data records in Big Data. In
(Sen and Gotlieb, 2013), FMs are used to model vari-
ation in data-intensive systems: 160 currencies and
900 different types of taxes are modeled as features.
There are thousands of pairwise interactions between
these two sets of features. Representing such a large
variation of a data field as a set of boolean features
in a graphical FM is highly unreadable. Therefore, a
paradigm shift in the standard for feature modelling is
Relational FMs are promising for opening new appli-
cations and research directions. For us, CP can drive
such extensions through FD and continuous domains
extensions, global constraints, and logical quantifica-
tion, because they preserve automated analyses capa-
bilities over FMs.
This work is partially supported by the Research
Council of Norway (RCN) through the Research-
based Innovation Center (SFI Programme) Certus.
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