Preserving Prediction Accuracy on Incomplete Data Streams
Olivier Parisot, Yoanne Didry, Thomas Tamisier and Beno
ıt Otjacques
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Belvaux, Luxembourg
Data Streams, Model Trees, Missing Values Imputation.
Model tree is a useful and convenient method for predictive analytics in data streams, combining the inter-
pretability of decision trees with the efficiency of multiple linear regressions. However, missing values within
the data streams is a crucial issue in many real world applications. Often, this issue is solved by pre-processing
techniques applied prior to the training phase of the model. In this article we propose a new method that
proceeds by estimating and adjusting missing values before the model tree creation. A prototype has been
developed and experimental results on several benchmarks show that the method improves the accuracy of the
resulting model tree.
Model trees are very convenient techniques to pre-
dict numerical values from past observations (Quin-
lan, 1992; Wang and Witten, 1996). Their popular-
ity is explained by the closeness with decision trees,
which uses an intuitive formalism understandable by
domain experts (Murthy, 1998). This aspect is crucial
as the model interpretability is critical in predictive
modeling (Shmueli and Koppius, 2011).
Given a data stream where each observation are
defined by n features F
, . . . , F
, a model tree aims
at evaluating the value of a continuous feature F
cording to the values of the other features (F
, i 6= j).
A model tree is a directed graph composed of nodes,
branches and leaves (Figure 1). Each node is followed
by branches that specify a test on the feature value
(for instance: F
=value), and each leaf corresponds to
a multiple linear regression model that aims at com-
puting the value of the continuous class (Table 1).
A model tree can be built from static data by using
well-known induction algorithms like M5 (Quinlan,
1992). Recently, a streaming method has been pro-
posed to build model trees from evolving data streams
(Ikonomovska and Gama, 2008).
A model tree is characterized by two properties:
a) The complexity of a model tree can be measured by
its size (i.e. the number of nodes) (Breslow and Aha,
1997). In general, a big model tree is hard to visual-
ize and interpret (Stiglic et al., 2012). b) The accuracy
of a model tree is its ability to predict correct values,
i.e. the difference between predicted and expected
Figure 1: A simplified version of the model tree that pre-
dicts the quality of Portuguese Vinho Verde white wines by
using physicochemical data (Cortez et al., 2009): each leaf
corresponds to a multiple linear regression model (Table 1).
values. Traditionally, it can be estimated by consid-
ering the data as two parts (training set and evaluation
set). In the context of data streams, the accuracy has
to be measured iteratively for each observation of the
considered stream. To this end, various metrics exist
like the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean
Squared Error (RMSE).
Unfortunately, data quality is clearly an issue
when training a model tree from data streams, es-
pecially when data are incomplete (Zhu et al., 2008;
Fong and Yang, 2011). More precisely, as the model
tree learning can not deal with incomplete data di-
rectly, the data stream has to be preprocessed. More-
over, the imputation of these values has to be con-
trolled in order to have positive benefit for further us-
Parisot O., Didry Y., Tamisier T. and Otjacques B..
Preserving Prediction Accuracy on Incomplete Data Streams.
DOI: 10.5220/0005553500910096
In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA-2015), pages 91-96
ISBN: 978-989-758-103-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Regression model for each leaf of the model tree that predicts the quality of Portuguese Vinho Verde white wines
(Figure 1). The estimated value is a numerical score between 0 and 10 (0 for a poor wine, 10 for an excellent wine).
Leaf Model to evaluate the quality of the wine.
LM1 -0.1122 * volatile acidity + 0 * free sulfur dioxide + 0.0049 * alcohol + 6.0006
LM2 -0.0788 * volatile acidity + 0 * free sulfur dioxide + 0.2372 * alcohol + 3.3594
LM3 -0.0442 * volatile acidity + 0.0003 * free sulfur dioxide + 0.0037 * alcohol + 5.047
LM4 -0.0442 * volatile acidity + 0.0001 * free sulfur dioxide + 0.0037 * alcohol + 5.3184
LM5 -0.0156 * volatile acidity + 0.0121 * free sulfur dioxide + 0.3269 * alcohol + 2.0913
age (Farhangfar et al., 2008).
To tackle this issue, we propose in this paper an
online method to adjust the missing values estima-
tion in such a way that it tends to increase the trained
model tree accuracy.
Dealing with missing value is a well known topic
in data mining. To resolve this issue, data prepro-
cessing clearly helps to improve the performance of
learning algorithms (Zhu and Wu, 2004; Farhangfar
et al., 2008), and various methods have been proposed
(Marwala and Global, 2009; Van Buuren, 2012):
Observations with missing data can be simply
deleted/ignored: this trivial approach can be suffi-
cient in a lot of cases (Enders, 2010).
Another simple solution consists in replacing
missing numerical values by the mean values, and
is still used in many statistical software packages.
However, this can highly disrupt the data structure
and so degrade the performance of the statistical
modeling (Junninen et al., 2004).
Regression methods can be used for this task, es-
pecially when obvious relationships between the
attributes are known. In addition, regression trees
are good candidates too because they are efficient
and easy to visualize/interpret (Kotsiantis, 2013).
Artificial neural networks like perceptrons
(Tfwala et al., 2013) or Self Organized Map
(Mwale et al., 2012) have been recently used to
preprocess missing hydrological data.
However, processing data streams requires to ap-
ply time efficient solutions. As a result, the classi-
cal imputation techniques can be applied on streams
by using a certain pool of observations (Zhu et al.,
2008). Furthermore, online methods can be used, for
example: decision trees for categorical missing values
(Domingos and Hulten, 2000) and regression trees for
numerical missing values (Ikonomovska et al., 2009).
During the training of a model tree from a data stream,
it is mandatory to apply a strategy to deal with ob-
servations with missing values, while controlling the
impact of this strategy on the learned model (Farhang-
far et al., 2008). In the next sections, we present two
naive approaches, and we propose a method that aims
at building a more accurate model tree.
3.1 Naive Approaches
The first naive approach simply discards the observa-
tions with missing values (Alg. 1). This solution is
simple to apply but has a major drawback: if a lot of
data are missing from the stream - and it is frequent
in real-world cases (Fong and Yang, 2011), then the
model tree will be trained with few observations. In
addition, it creates a bias in predictive models if the
values are systematically missing in certain situations.
Algorithm 1: Skip the observations with missing values
before training the predictive model tree.
1: a data stream (DS)
2: modelTree initialize the model tree to be
trained using the data stream DS
3: while data stream DS not finished do
4: OBS get the next observation of the data
stream DS
5: if OBS does not contain missing values then
6: estimate error of modelTree for OBS
7: train modelTree with OBS
8: end if
9: end while
The second naive approach consists in filling in-
complete observations with estimated values before
training the model tree (Alg. 2). The imputation
method can be implemented with a set of data stream
prediction methods, for example: a) decision trees
for imputing categorical missing values (Domingos
and Hulten, 2000), b) or regression trees/model trees
for imputing numerical missing values (Ikonomovska
and Gama, 2008; Ikonomovska et al., 2009). Unfor-
tunately, this approach does not take into account the
impact of using these corrected data for the training
phase: in other words, they may lead without guaran-
tee to a more accurate/less accurate model tree.
Algorithm 2: Estimate the missing values before training
the predictive model tree.
1: a data stream (DS)
2: modelTree initialize the model tree to be
trained using the data stream DS
3: imputationMethod initialize an imputation
method for estimating missing values
4: while data stream DS not finished do
5: OBS get the next observation of the data
stream DS
6: if OBS contains missing values then
7: EST IM estimate the missing values of
OBS by using imputationMethod
8: OBS
fill OBS with EST IM
9: estimate error of modelTree for OBS
10: train modelTree with OBS
11: else
12: train imputationMethod with OBS
13: estimate error of modelTree for OBS
14: train modelTree with OBS
15: end if
16: end while
3.2 Our Adjusted Estimation Method
What are the effects of using estimated values to train
the model tree? In fact, it can impact the model tree
size (i.e. the interpretability) and the model tree ac-
curacy (i.e. the prediction error). In order to control
these aspects, we propose an approach to adjust the
estimated values for missing data in order to have a
positive impact on the learned model tree (Alg. 3).
Given a selected imputation method, the sug-
gested method aims at choosing a new estimation
for each missing value by using a range defined
with: a) the value that is estimated by the imputa-
tion method. b) the current uncertainty / error of the
imputation method.
First of all, an initial model tree and an imputation
method are initialized (Alg. 3 - line 2,3). Then, while
the data stream is not finished (Alg. 3 - line 4), the
following steps are repeated:
The next observation of the stream is considered
(Alg. 3 - line 5). If some values are missing from
the considered observation then:
An estimation is computed for the missing
value by applying the imputation method (Alg.
3 - line 7).
The confidence level of the imputation method
is evaluated by the algorithm using the Mean
Absolute Error (Alg. 3 - line 8).
By defining a boundary with this confidence
level , the algorithm tries different estimations
in such a way that the selected estimation will
have a low impact on the trained model tree
(Alg. 3 - line 9,10,11). This step is time-
efficient, because it consists in simply selecting
the estimation which does not tend to increase
the model tree’s error-rate.
The selected estimation is used to fill the in-
complete observation (Alg. 3 - line 14). This
completed observation is used to train the
model tree (Alg. 3 - line 16).
If the considered observation is complete then it
is used to train both the imputation method (Alg.
3 - line 18) and the model tree (Alg. 3 - line 20).
Progressively, by incrementally processing the
data stream, the algorithm aims at training the pre-
dictive model tree with adjusted estimations for the
incomplete data.
In order to validate the approach described in this
paper, a prototype has been implemented as a JAVA
standalone tool. It is based on MOA (Bifet et al.,
2010), a widely-used data mining library for data
streams that provides algorithms for model tree induc-
tion. More precisely, it contains an implementation of
the FIMTDD algorithm (Ikonomovska et al., 2009).
Based on this prototype, we have evaluated our ap-
proach on various streams (Table 2). The data come
from the UCI Machine Learning repository (Bache
and Lichman, 2013), the Stream Data Mining Repos-
and the Regression Datasets repository
To this end, these datasets have been considered
as streams, i.e. they have been iteratively processed
in an online way (in one pass). In each case: a) A
continuous class has been considered to build model
trees (Table 2). b) For a randomly selected attribute of
the stream, artificial missing values have been intro-
duced into 20% of observations, in order to check the
1 xqzhu/stream.html
Algorithm 3: Estimate and adjust the missing values before training the predictive model tree.
1: a data stream (DS)
2: modelTree initialize the model tree to be trained using the data stream DS
3: imputationMethod initialize an imputation method for estimating missing values
4: while data stream DS not finished do
5: OBS get the next observation of the data stream DS
6: if OBS contains missing values then
7: EST IM estimate the missing values of OBS by using imputationMethod
8: MAE evaluate the current Mean Absolute Error of imputationMethod
9: for VAL between [EST IM MAE, EST IM + MAE] do
10: OBS
fill OBS with VAL
11: impact(VAL) measure the impact of training modelTree with OBS
12: end for
13: select VAL
for which impact(VAL
) is lower
14: OBS
fill OBS with VAL
15: estimate error of modelTree for OBS
16: train modelTree with OBS
17: else
18: train imputationMethod with OBS
19: estimate error of modelTree for OBS
20: train modelTree with OBS
21: end if
22: end while
imputation method (Table 2). c) 10% of the observa-
tions have been used to compute the prediction error
of the trained model tree (validation set). No missing
data have been introduced in this set.
The MOAs implementation of the FIMTDD al-
gorithm has to be configured with several parame-
ters: splitConfidence and gracePeriod. Even if de-
fault values are provided by the implementation, we
have realized a empirical sensitivity analysis in or-
der to find the best configuration (i.e. leading to
a good tradeoff for the accuracy and the size of
the produced model tree): a) splitCon f idence = 0.1
b) gracePeriod = 200.
Then the different approaches to train the model
tree have been tested on these streams (Alg. 1,2,3). In
each case, the following metrics have been measured:
a) The size of the model trees after the training phase
(i.e. the count of nodes and leaves). b) The accuracy
of the model trees regarding the validation set (MAE
and RMSE). c) The confidence level of the missing
value imputation (MAE and RMSE): it is obtained by
comparing the missing values estimation and the orig-
inal values of the stream (i.e. before removing values
from the data stream to generate artificial gaps).
After the experimentations, we can analyze the
model trees obtained with the different algorithms
(Tables 3,4,5). From these results, we can ob-
serve than skipping the incomplete observations (Alg.
1) leads to better results than learning observations
which are filled with the classical imputation method
(Alg. 2). For example, by considering the YearPre-
dictionMSD data stream, the first one leads to a model
tree with RMSE = 10.55 and the second one leads to
a model tree with RMSE = 61.48. These results con-
firm that using an imputation method can have dra-
matic effects on the learned model tree.
Firstly, we can observe than our approach (Alg.
3) generally leads to more accurate model trees, in
comparison to those that are obtained by using the
other approaches (Alg. 1,2). For example, by con-
sidering the KDD Cup 99 data stream, the skipping
approach (Alg. 1) leads to a model tree with RMSE =
81.50 and the second one leads to a model tree with
RMSE = 63.45. We can note an exception for the
Forest Covertype data stream: the accuracy is exactly
the same for two approaches (RMSE = 0.12), but the
model tree size is smaller in the second case (5797
instead of 5805).
Secondly, our technique has a positive impact on
the model tree size too if we compare to the classical
imputation method (Alg. 2). But in general, skipping
the incomplete observations provides model trees that
are smaller than the other approaches.
Finally, if we compare our approach (Alg. 3) to
the classical imputation approach (Alg. 2), we can
see that the missing values imputation is positively
Table 2: The considered data streams and their characteristics. For each data stream, the considered continuous class to predict
with the model tree, and the attribute used to create artificial missing values.
Data stream #rows #features Continuous class to predict Attribute with missing values
MV Artificial Domain 40 768 11 y x10
Hyper Plane Stream 100 000 11 attribute1 attribute0
KDD Cup 99 145 585 42 dst host rerror rate dst host srv rerror rate
3D spatial network 434 874 4 altitude latitude
YearPredictionMSD 515 345 91 year attr11
Forest Covertype 581 012 55 aspect elevation
Sensor Stream 2 219 803 6 voltage humidity
Table 3: Results of the experiments with Algorithm 1. For each data stream, the size and the error rate of the trained model
tree are reported (MAE and RMSE are evaluated on the validation set, i.e. 10% of the values).
Data stream Trained model tree
Model tree size MAE RMSE
MV Artificial Domain 221 ± 1.28 ± 1.70
Hyper Plane Stream 475 ± 0.50 ± 0.58
KDD Cup 99 1 131 ± 0.75 ± 81.50
3D spatial network 3 403 ± 12.85 ± 16.33
YearPredictionMSD 4 091 ± 7.91 ± 10.55
Forest Covertype 4 641 ± 0.07 ± 0.12
Sensor Stream 17 737 ± 0.06 ± 0.14
Table 4: Results of the experiments with Algorithm 2. For each data stream, the size and the error rate of the trained model
tree are reported (MAE and RMSE are evaluated on the validation set, i.e. 10% of the values). Moreover, the error rates of
the missing values imputation are reported too (MAE and RMSE are evaluated on the fake missing data, i.e. 20% of data).
Data stream Trained model tree Missing values imputation
Model tree size MAE RMSE MAE RMSE
MV Artificial Domain 369 ± 26.87 ± 33.00 ± 51.14 ± 59.17
Hyper Plane Stream 661 ± 0.50 ± 0.58 ± 0.51 ± 0.59
KDD Cup 99 1 423 ± 1.01 ± 108.58 ± 0.14 ± 0.34
3D spatial network 4 273 ± 13.28 ± 16.72 ± 0.20 ± 0.23
YearPredictionMSD 5 123 ± 43.53 ± 61.48 ± 5.55 ± 7.30
Forest Covertype 5 797 ± 0.08 ± 0.12 ± 0.09 ± 0.14
Sensor Stream 22 177 ± 1.15 ± 1.52 ± 4.23 ± 15.40
Table 5: Results of the experiments with Algorithm 3. For each data stream, the size and the error rate of the trained model
tree are reported (MAE and RMSE are evaluated on the validation set, i.e. 10% of the values). Moreover, the error rates of
the missing values imputation are reported too (MAE and RMSE are evaluated on the fake missing data, i.e. 20% of data).
Data stream Trained model tree Missing values imputation
Model tree size MAE RMSE MAE RMSE
MV Artificial Domain 287 ± 1.21 ± 1.60 ± 14.46 ± 22.52
Hyper Plane Stream 637 ± 0.50 ± 0.58 ± 0.18 ± 0.34
KDD Cup 99 1 423 ± 0.60 ± 63.45 ± 0.14 ± 0.31
3D spatial network 4 273 ± 12.90 ± 16.36 ± 0.05 ± 0.10
YearPredictionMSD 5 123 ± 7.91 ± 10.55 ± 1.95 ± 4.05
Forest Covertype 5 805 ± 0.08 ± 0.12 ± 0.05 ± 0.09
Sensor Stream 22 177 ± 0.06 ± 0.14 ± 1.68 ± 14.80
impacted. For instance, if we consider Sensor Stream,
the confidence level of the imputation is better by us-
ing our approach (RMSE = 14.8) than by using the
other one (RMSE = 15.4).
As a conclusion, our method helps to obtain more
accurate model trees by taking advantage of the miss-
ing values imputation process.
In this paper, we presented a method to build predic-
tive model trees from data streams with incomplete
observations. The approach aims at adjusting the
missing values estimation in order to help the model
tree construction.
The method has been developed in a JAVA proto-
type, and its effectiveness was demonstrated and dis-
cussed on various data streams.
In future works, we will apply our method on
large real-world data streams related to e-commerce
and live sensors management. Moreover, we have in
view to improve the estimation method by using other
heuristics such as genetic algorithms.
The project is supported by a grant from the Min-
istry of Economy and External Trade, Grand-Duchy
of Luxembourg, under the RDI Law.
Moreover, this work has been realized in partner-
ship with the infinAIt Solutions S.A. company (
so we would like to thank Gero Vierke and Helmut
Rieder for their help.
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