In this paper, we presented a method to build predic-
tive model trees from data streams with incomplete
observations. The approach aims at adjusting the
missing values estimation in order to help the model
tree construction.
The method has been developed in a JAVA proto-
type, and its effectiveness was demonstrated and dis-
cussed on various data streams.
In future works, we will apply our method on
large real-world data streams related to e-commerce
and live sensors management. Moreover, we have in
view to improve the estimation method by using other
heuristics such as genetic algorithms.
The project is supported by a grant from the Min-
istry of Economy and External Trade, Grand-Duchy
of Luxembourg, under the RDI Law.
Moreover, this work has been realized in partner-
ship with the infinAIt Solutions S.A. company (
so we would like to thank Gero Vierke and Helmut
Rieder for their help.
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