packet per cycle metric and simulated cycles. In case
of category 2 applications, light bursty traffic, i.e.
peak traffic rate less than three times of the average,
are added to nodes randomly.
We plan to try different alternative distributions for
the data sets, especially for the category 2 data sets,
because power law distribution was less suitable for
them than for the category 1 data sets. One possibil-
ity is to use piecewise functions so that we fit different
power law distributions for different regions of values
of X. This corresponds to fitting a piecewise linear
function in the log-log domain of the data sets. We
also note that most of the data points in the log-log
domains in our tests gathered around higher values of
the ln X-axis with some outliers in the low-end of the
axis. This means that the high-end points dominate
the fitting process of least-squares method. We could
give more importance to the low-end points by weigh-
ing the low-end points more than high-end points.
This approach will also be tried in future work.
We also intent to analyse the distances between
source nodes and destination nodes in packets. Pre-
liminary results show that the data follow Gamma or
log-normal distribution, and a polynomial fitting can
be a viable solution. Moreover for real applications,
the average distance of all source-destination pairs in
packets seems to be higher than uniform random traf-
fic. The interval of packets is another possible topic,
however more applications are needed to be analysed
in the future. To show the effectiveness of the pro-
posed model, we aim to compare the generated traffic
with real application traffic with different metrics.
In this paper we investigated the detailed traffic pro-
files of different parallel and high performance com-
puting applications. We proposed a generic traffic
model based on the mathematical analysis of the traf-
fic traces. It is discovered that parallel applications
show different traffic patterns, however the patterns
can be categorized into groups, each with specific
parallel programming paradigms. Simulation results
show that both hot-spot and bursty traffic can be ob-
served. Several metrics concerning the applications
were studied. In addition we found the packet injec-
tion amount of nodes followed the power-law distri-
bution. Least squares fitting method was applied to
gather the parameters of the distribution of injected
packets by different nodes.
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