is tracked by entering a number between 1 and 10 into
a dedicated mood tracking app three times per day
(morning, noon, and evening). The self-tracker wants
to aggregate and analyse these three data streams in
QS Mapper, as shown in Figure 1.
QS Mapper support for this scenario is described
in Section 4.2.
The dominant approach to analytical tools and appli-
cations relies on the software only for data seman-
tics and analysis. Just enough data analysis is im-
plemented to keep people tracking aspects of their
lives, securing the commercial viability of the tool.
But there is a growing need for user-centric personal
data management platforms, involving the user when
defining semantics and during computational analy-
sis. “Drawing the line between what we can forfeit
to calculation and what we reserve for the heroics of
free will is the story of our time” (Lanier, 2014).
This review focuses on alternatives to “you are
the product”
, by which the individual user is treated
as the point of integration for personal data. “You
are the product” may be good enough for most users
but it limits the level of sophistication available to
individuals and the resulting data analysis innova-
tion. An explicitly individual-centric approach would
have the advantage of being able to converge personal
data from many sources without the usual silos be-
tween platforms, services and organisations (Lukas
and midata et al., 2015). Two of the most devel-
oped non-commercial tools for QS data aggregation
are FluxStream and Intel Data Sense:
Fluxstream (Fluxtream, 2015) is an open source
non-profit personal data visualization framework
that help users make sense of their life and com-
pare hypotheses about what affects their well-being
(E. K. Choe and Kientz, 2014). Fluxtream aggregates
data from a number of data sources using a list of pre-
programmed APIs for technologies such as Jawbone,
Misfit, flickr, and Google Calendar; so-called Con-
nectors. The tool also have the option to implement
support for custom Connectors.
Data Sense (Labs, 2015) is a research experiment
at Intel Labs, written in Java. The purpose of the web
application is to see if it is possible to make data more
accessible to individuals without degrees in statistics.
Commercial web and smartphone applications in-
clude Google BigQuery, rTracker, and TracknShare:
Google BigQuery (Google, 2015; Melnik et al.,
2010) is a cloud platform application supporting tra-
ditional extract, transform and load (ETL) tools from
third party vendors for data ingestion and business
intelligence tools for data visualization. These ETL
tools “provide an easy to use drag and drop user in-
terface for transforming and de-normalizing data and
have the capability of loading data directly into Big-
Query” (Google, 2015). If data are from multiple
sources, Google recommends using a third party tools
instead of the five step process that BigQuery sup-
ports. BigQuery is based on Dremel (Melnik et al.,
2010), a technology pioneered by Google.
rTracker (Realidata, 2015; Augemberg, 2012) is
a generic, customisable personal data tracker for the
iPhone, allowing its users to create their own track-
ers for personal variables such as physique, mood,
mileage, sleep quality, eating, shopping, exercise, job
hours, and more. In other words, rTracker let’s the
user define any tracking variables they want. Further-
more, the tool supports organizing the variables into
higher order customizable categories, e.g., “these are
the variables I want to track in the morning”.
TracknShare (Track and Apps, 2015; Augem-
berg, 2012; Swan, 2013), like rTracker, allows cus-
tomization of tracking variables, and also has support
for defining the scale that goes with each variable.
Weight can be recorded in pounds or kilos as a num-
ber, sleep can be rated on an n-point scale, and check
off all the medications taken after breakfast, all in the
same app.
While any variable can be tracked with Trackn-
Share and rTracker, aggregation with data from other
tools does not seem to be supported.
4.1 Requirements
Based on interactions with the QS community, three
overall requirements for personal data aggregators
have been identified (Lanier, 2014; QS, 2014; Kleine,
2011; Licklider, 1960):
Trust. It must be clear and openly available in-
formation how outputs are calculated.
Transparency and ownership can leverage trust.
Black box solutions will not provide the user with
answers on how outputs were calculated. As a con-
sequence, data aggregators must be open-ended sys-
tems, even if it means losing some autonomy for other
gains (see Figure 2).
Context. Preserve how data is tracked and al-
low individual data sources to appear in different con-