4.2.2 Statistics Analysis System (SAS)
Developed by SAS Institute Inc., SAS has been
commonly used in commercial areas for decades
(Wikipedia, 2014). The initial version of SAS was
written in language C, and now JAVA and C++ are
also included. Its latest version is 9.4, including 10
main modules for data mining, graphics and
presentation, econometrics and time series analysis,
clinical trial analysis, statistics analysis, interactive
matrix language, quality control, and database
transfer, etc.
4.2.3 R
R was developed by Professors Ihaka and
Gentleman at the University of Auckland in New
Zealand. R is written for statistic, drawing, and data
mining. R is capable of performing 25 kinds of
statistic and numerical analysis functions such as
obtaining mean value, standard deviation, plotting of
histogram, and executing regression process. Most
importantly, the source code of R is available freely.
Its famous users include Google, Facebook, Bank of
America, and New York Times.
In addition to the above functions, R can be used
for matrix calculation; its efficient performance can
be comparable to GNU Octave and Matlab.
Thousands of added software tools based on various
analysis techniques for economics and finance have
been established on R by various languages such as
4.3 Research Process and Anticipated
The next step of this research taken is to formulate
single data records which consists of data of fields
from tables of bridge inventory, span, pier, abutment,
main inspection, detail inspection, suggested
maintenance method, and maintenance record. Data
records have missing data in any field or have logic
inconsistence will be eliminated. These records will
be input to the three software packages; Matlab,
SAS, and R as mentioned above. The anticipated
results will be a maintenance frequency for all the
bridge components, most maintained bridge
components, actual maintenance costs for bridge
components, and the relationship between
deterioration and bridge inventory data. Finally, an
evaluation model will be established for determining
continuation of maintenance or rebuilding of a
bridge based on these findings.
This research collected relevant literature in bridge
maintenance and life cycle costs analysis in Taiwan.
It was found that models for calculating bridge life
cycle costs still not yet established, nor the
effectiveness comparison between maintenance and
rebuilding of a deteriorated bridge. These have
become goals of this research and are intended to be
solved by digging into the big databases of the
TBMS which has already been used for 15 years.
This research also surveyed available software
packages for big data analysis and will soon apply
them to find relevant maintenance information for
decision making in bridge maintenance in Taiwan.
The authors appreciate the financial support
provided by Ministry of Science and Technology,
under project number MOST 103-2221-E-008-108.
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