proaches. For only our proposal, we evaluated in two
stages: a) creation of rings (i.e., DHT structures) and
b) per lookup operation. To prevent infinite lookup
operations in Random Walk and Flooding, we intro-
duced time to live (TTL) as IP does in order to repre-
sent a failed lookup: a lookup operation that takes a
greater period of time than a threshold.
!" '" #!" #'" $!" $'" %!" %'" &!" &'" '!"
Number of lookups!
Node Battery [J]!
Our proposal!
Figure 7: Comparison of our proposal to Random Walk and
5.1 Result and Discussion
Table 1 shows the comparison of battery con-
sumption between Random Walk, Flooding and
our proposal. Although our proposal consumes
to create DHT structures, this only consumes
1.556J (0.0072%) of the battery of each node
to create them. In addition, our proposal con-
sumes 0.0049J (0.226× 10
%) of the battery per
lookup operation. In contrast, Random Walk and
Flooding consume 0.1170J (5.5415×10
%) and
0.0432J (1.998×10
%) of each node respectively.
Figure 7 also shows the relationship between battery
consumption and the number of lookup operations in
Random Walk, Flooding and our proposal. As our
proposal requires additional battery to create struc-
tures, Random Walk and Flooding consume less bat-
tery when the number of lookup operation is less than
7 times and 41 times respectively. However, when the
number of lookup operation increases to 7 or 41, our
proposal consumes less battery.
Based on previous results, our proposal consumes
a significant amount of battery at the beginning,
but this consumption decreases when the number of
lookup requests increases more than 41. In mobile
agent frameworks of WSNs, less than 41 lookup op-
erations is unusual because they are designed to work
from one to a couple of years (Madden et al., 2005).
As WSNs are exposed to a real world, many of their
applications are required to adapt to the environment
changes. To address these problems, differentmiddle-
wares for mobile agents have been proposed, where
an application is composed of a set of agents and is
executed by the interactions of these agents. For this
approach, an agent needs to know the exact location
of its target agent beforehand. However, existing pro-
posals, including Agilla, do not support an efficient
lookup mechanism to lookup agents. In this paper,
we propose an approach that borrows ideas from the
CSN algorithm to efficiently lookup agents in WSNs
within a specific period time. This efficient lookup
allows WSN nodes to save battery consumption. We
implement our proposal on the TinyOS environment
and verified its advantages via a comparison with tra-
ditional lookup methods.
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