Regardless of the number of objects matching
the condition given in square brackets, the actions on
the object data are performed without cycling over
the objects, just by a single call of a stored procedure
generated by system after translation code between
BEGIN and END. A technical consequence of this
feature is an ability to re-organize and minimize the
number of disk access operations data for complex
processing of sets of objects.
In the paper an approach is proposed and generally
described, which allows relational DBMS to be
extended with an ability to create expressive
business models inside the DBMS according to
principles well-known by existing business systems
and clear for business users.
Many important questions are left uncovered, for
example language details or the thorough
comparison with approaches implemented in
existing DBMS. Nevertheless the material presented
should be adequate to experienced programmers to
visualize the offered approach.
Thinking about possible implementations we
understand that many of its features and abilities
(including late binding of multiply class
implementations, "logical concurrency" mode,
preliminary algorithm analysis, object level
transaction serialisation) cannot be effectively
implemented as a simple "syntax sugar" over
existing DBMS and need some modification inside
their cores. However we believe that these changes
make a sense because they cover most important
parts of offered approach and can vastly simplify the
business system as a whole, make them faster, and
ease access to business models from external
programs with standard data access methods.
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