Service for Data Retrieval via Persistent Identifiers
Vasily Bunakov
Scientific Computing Department, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Harwell Oxfordshire, U.K.
Keywords: Data Citation, Data Retrieval, Persistent Data Identifiers, Research Infrastructures.
Abstract: Persistent identifiers for research data citation have become commonplace yet current practices of minting
them need evaluation to see how the data cited can be actually discovered, contextualized and processed in
scalable eInfrastructures that serve both human users and machine agents. The existing means of data
identifiers dereferencing can be used for basic data contextualization but more sophisticated
contextualization services are required to make data readily available for automated retrieval and
processing. This work takes a look at the data identifiers minting practices and discusses a possible design
of a service for the machine-assisted or fully automated retrieval of formally citeable data.
The recent cooperative report of four major Cluster
Projects contributing to ESFRI (European Strategy
Forum on Research Infrastructures) indicated that
data identity is an important common topic of
interest (Field et al, 2013). Minting persistent data
identifiers has become a routine task in many
research organizations; the use of data identifiers as
references in research papers and data journals is
getting popular. There are well-developed
recommendations on data citation from publications
(Ball and Duke, 2012) and on data promotion in
global citation network, e.g. through Data Citation
Index from Thomson Reuters.
However, the actual practices of persistent data
identifiers assignment significantly vary across
disciplines and organizations, and so does the
configuration of data artefacts that identifiers
designate. This makes it hard to reasonably automate
the process of data retrieval which is inevitably
required if we speak of scalable data infrastructures
exemplified by such initiatives as EUROPEANA or EUDAT that
stretch beyond the boundaries of a single data
provider or a single discipline.
The level and the flavour of data openness
behind persistent identifiers vary, too; machine
agents of a scalable data infrastructure require
meaningful structured descriptions of both non-
technical aspects of access to data, such us licences
and other regulation, and technical aspects of it such
as APIs capabilities or the machine-executable
protocols that allow data retrieval and feeding it for
further processing.
For regulation aspects of machine-assisted data
reuse, there have been analysis and test services
provided by a few European projects and business
initiatives; see in (Bunakov and Jeffery, 2013), also
under Media Mixer and Linked
Content Coalition
This work is going to contribute to the less explored
area of modelling data APIs and data retrieval
protocols, by considering one particular use case:
dereferencing a persistent data identifier (that is in
fact a specific API call with one parameter) with the
purpose of data retrieval.
The general case for the data retrieval service
using PIDs will be: a human user or a machine agent
supplies a data PID to the service; the service, in
case the PID resolution actually leads to the data
assets, responds with the data and with contextual
information (metadata) that is enough for a requester
to render or analyze the data.
This work, first, considers existing effort of
building data retrieval services using persistent
identifiers, it then presents business analysis of the
actual practices of data identifiers assignment, then
this analysis is used to suggest a design of a new
service for the machine-assisted retrieval of
published data via persistent identifiers.
Bunakov V..
Service for Data Retrieval via Persistent Identifiers.
DOI: 10.5220/0005554401780183
In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (DATA-2015), pages 178-183
ISBN: 978-989-758-103-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The opportunity of data PIDs use for data retrieval is
well understood by some eInfrastructures yet owing
to their generic nature, eInfrastructures are often
more concerned about a mere incorporation of
various types of PIDs and leave the care of sensible
data PIDs contextualization, including for the
purpose of data retrieval, to the data centres that
mint PIDs (Blanke et al., 2011).
Some disciplines with an established tradition of
systematic data citation in research papers, notably
chemistry, have come to realize that in place of
merely citing data, there are technological
opportunities to get – and visualize – cited data
within publications. (Harvey et al, 2015) consider
three mechanisms of data retrieval via persistent
10320/loc which is a handle type that was
introduced in Handle system to
improve the selection of specific resource URLs
and to add features to the handle-to-URL
resolution. This mechanism further detailed in
(Harvey et al, 2014) allows attaching a certain
parameter to the URL upon the handle
resolution; the parameter may e.g. refer to a
MIME-type so the Internet browser receiving
this URL knows which software application to
launch in order to render the Internet resource.
The limitation of this mechanism is that it relies
on a specific feature of the Handle system, so
only data PIDs that use Handle for resolution can
be contextualized and interpreted this way.
DataCite Media API that allows to associate
MIME types with additional URLs as key:value
pairs, so that instead of redirecting to the usual
landing page, DOIs can resolve to these
alternative URLs through HTTP content
negotiation. The limitations of this approach are
that it is vendor-specific (only PIDs minted with
DataCite can use it), also it will not work if a
dataset contains more than one file of the same
MIME type.
OAI-ORE Resource Maps exposed through
DataCite Metadata using Hasmetadata
Relation Type. This mechanism has been also
considered by (Zenk-Möltgen, 2014) who
suggested using IsMetadataFor or HasMetadata
tags to refer to the richer PID descriptions
(potentially suitable for the automated machine
reasoning and data retrieval). These optional
tags, however, a) are proprietary for a particular
PID service provider – DataCite in this case, b)
lack clear semantics so one will need to
additionally explain it to a machine agent that
say IsMetadataFor should be used for a specific
sort of PID interpretation.
Alternatively, (Van de Sompel, 2014) suggested
using OAI-ORE Resource Maps retrieved via “cool
URIs” constructed from data PIDs according to the
registered info URI scheme (Van de Sompel et al.,
2006). The advantage of this approach is that it is
vendor-agnostic: any PID minted by anyone can be
potentially registered as an URI pointing to OAI-
ORE description. The limitation of using OAI-ORE
is that it is suitable indeed for the descriptions of
complex data aggregations, yet may not be
universally adopted by all data centres that mint data
PIDs. Also, OAI-ORE lacks some features required
in real practice of data retrieval via PIDs, e.g. the
need, in some cases, to get authenticated or perform
other actions in a certain data management system in
order to actually retrieve data referred by a PID.
OAI-ORE can provide rich descriptions of
information resources when what is actually
required, if we consider the variety of data PID
minting practices, is a protocol, or a number of
protocols for data retrieval that are potentially
specific to the method of how PID is associated with
data artefacts.
This work is going to analyse the actual data
centres practices in an open world paradigm when
anyone can mint a data PID in whatever way they
like. Then a generic service is suggested that utilizes
this bottom-up analysis, instead of imposing a
universal metadata model with substantial
operational overheads for its development, adoption
and maintenance across diverse data providers.
There are different models and services for data
persistent identifiers: Archival Resource Keys
(ARK), Digital Object Identifiers (DOI), other
Handle-based or otherwise designed services. For
the initial analysis of data PID minting practices, the
popular DataCite service was
looked into; it is in use by many research centres
across the globe and is built upon the technical
infrastructure of the Handle System
The data providers contributing to this service
should follow DataCite policy and
recommendations; all these providers are deemed to
be quality ones and do have the skilled staff assigned
to the task of minting persistent data identifiers
(which are DOIs) and data descriptions. That is why
the observations on the variety of data DOI
assignment practices in DataCite that we are going
to communicate here reflect the diverse nature of
research data rather than frivolous deviations from
data curation recommendations. The information
practitioners (data librarians and data archivists) just
do what is appropriate for data publication in their
respective research domains – which explains a good
variety of information context associated with DOIs.
For the initial analysis, we randomly selected 20
DataCite DOIs minted by 16 different datacentres
and looked into the following characteristics:
DOI Default Resolution Targets when DOI is
resolved by a Web browser sending a standard
text/html GET request. It is a responsibility of
the data centre to define such a target which can
be a DOI “landing” page with further links on it,
or it can be something else addressable via HTTP
request, e.g. a data file
A Type of Intellectual Entity referred by DOI.
It is not necessarily numeric data; it may be
images or other intellectual entities relevant to
particular scholar discourse.
Data Format that defines the range of software
applications for data rendering or analysis.
A Number of “Clicks” (Requests) required to
get to data from DOI resolution target. “Data”
here may mean various information artefacts,
with various meanings and in various formats yet
it is pretty clear in most cases what information
artefacts the data publisher wanted to make
reachable through DOI.
Cardinality of Links to Data Artefacts from
DOI resolution target. DOI can be assigned to a
single artefact, or a collection of them; practices
of it vary across data publishers and types of
Openness of Access to Data; whether the actual
getting hold of data requires any form of
authentication or signature (e.g. having agreed to
specific Terms and Conditions of data reuse).
The initial findings are summarized in the
following tables and can be a methodological
foundation for further analysis when required, and
for discovery of data publication patterns.
Table 1: DOI default resolution (dereferencing) targets.
DOI resolution target Number of cases
Web page 13
MS Excel file 3
PDF file 3
XML file 1
Table 2: Intellectual entities referenced by DOIs.
Intellectual entity type of the DOI resolution
Number of
Experiment, measurement or observation with
numeric data as resulting artefacts not necessarily
associated with any research paper
Numeric data associated with a research paper 3
Image 3
Research paper, report, study or PhD thesis
(full text, perhaps with some numeric data in it)
(a short descriptions of study, no full text)
Table 3: Formats of data artefacts referenced by DOIs.
Data format Number of artefacts
MS Excel 4
CSV or TAB delimited 4
Plain TXT 2
CIF (crystallography data) 1
MS Word 1
Table 4: Number of HTTP requests required to get to data
from DOI default resolution target.
How many requests are required Number of cases
No click (DOI resolves directly in data) 8
One click (from the DOI landing page) 12
Table 5: Number of data artefacts published through a
single DOI.
How many data artefacts are linked
from DOI resolution target
Number of cases
1 17
2 1
4 1
45 1
Table 6: Openness of data access.
Whether authentication or signature is
required to retrieve the data artefacts
Number of cases
No 19
Yes 1
The variations in what is offered for citing as
“data” are probably most important from the
information modelling perspective. Many “data”
PIDs point at the descriptions of experiments or
events (e.g. earthquakes), or at the full texts that
represent the research discourse: doctoral theses,
reports, etc. This may indicate that data per se is not
always considered a citable “quantum” of research
discourse – unlike research papers or detailed
descriptions of experiments – so data can be sensibly
cited only as artefacts of some research activity: a
study, an experiment, or an observation. Some data
centres minting “data” PIDs assign them exclusively
to the intellectual entities that circulate in their
research domain rather than directly to data
artefacts, as explained by (Bunakov, 2014).
Of course, the analysis performed in this work is
a small scale and may not reflect the full range of
data PID minting practices across all data centres, or
the actual popularity of the particular practices. As
an example, the requirement of authentication or
agreement with Terms and Conditions prior to
getting the actual access to data (see Table 6) may
be in fact more common; some data centres do
require this for all or for the majority of data
accessible through the PIDs.
Yet even this initial analysis suggests that the
notion of “data” significantly varies across data
centres and particular data cases. Also different are
data formats, the cardinality of data artefacts that
PIDs designate, as well as regimes and paths of
access to data. In short, the context of data PIDs
once they have been dereferenced is different so the
protocols of data retrieval based on PIDs
dereferencing should be inevitably different, too.
As an example, depending on a MIME-type of
the PID resolution target (Table 1), a rendering
software agent can be chosen and launched. The
agent selection can be of course preconfigured in the
agent’s operating system yet one may need to
override the OS settings, or define specific agents
for rare data formats that are not as mainstream as
HTML or MS Office formats. Also, Table 4
suggests that more often than not a data artefact is
not an immediate result of a PID resolution; so some
protocol is required indeed in order to reach data
artefacts via PIDs, like “if the PID resolution target
is a data artefact, then identify its MIME-type and
launch a data rendering/visualization software agent
straight away; otherwise if PID is resolved into an
HTML landing page, dig into it and uncover links
leading to data artefacts, then get them”.
In fact, quite different protocols may be required
for PIDs minted by different data centres, or for
different types of data artefacts (or aggregations of
them published under the same PID). The methods
of how one discovers certain patterns of PIDs
assignment and creates such data retrieval protocols
may be different, too: as an example, one may
employ text mining techniques against PID landing
pages for discovering links to the actual data
artefacts, or one may rely on structured annotations
made by human experts about what is the path to
data artefacts for a particular PID, or there may be a
sustainable pattern for the context of PIDs minted by
a particular data centre, so that machine calls for
data retrieval can be reliably constructed on-the-fly.
What is suggested next is a principal design of a
service that can support the automated construction
of data retrieval protocols that are based on multiple
semantic annotations submitted in a common
repository by either machine agents or humans, or
by a partnership of both.
The limitations of the existing solutions mentioned
in Section 2 of this work and the notion of data
retrieval protocol introduced in Section 3 suggest
that a universal service for data PID
contextualization that runs independently from any
of the existing PID service providers should be
viable. This new service may not require indeed all
the PID resolution mechanisms that existing data
PID service providers are offering; what it will need
from them is only a PID itself which can be
associated then with as rich contextual descriptions
as required.
Allowing and registering sensible statements
about data PIDs, made by data curators from data
centres or by third parties – e.g. by researchers who
produced the data, or by machine agents (employing
text mining, machine learning or other techniques)
could be indeed a mechanism for collaborative
curation of data PIDs context. The examples of
granular statements about data PID context
expressed in plain English will be:
‘X is a data PID minted by data
centre Y’
’X designates the full text of a
doctoral thesis according to human
agent Z who made a statement about it’
’X resolves in a PDF file having URL according to machine agent
M that made a check on DD-MM-YYYY at
’I trust data centre Y and human
agent Z, also believe the machine agent
M is well tested and untapped’
From which statements, once they have been
registered and shared, someone (that may be a
machine agent / reasoner) can derive that in order to
render data behind the PID X, the PDF compatible
visualization software is required and that this data
PID in fact represents the full text of a doctoral
thesis. Also the executable description of the data
artefact can be produced in order to actually retrieve
it (via its URL in this case). Notably, the reasoning
is performed in a situation when statements about
the data PID could have been independently made
by various agents in the “open world” paradigm
when anyone can be, to a certain extent, a PID
context curator. Filtering / selection of particular
statements for reasoning over them is a
responsibility of a sensible PID context resolver that
could be a human, a machine agent, or a partnership
of the two.
A generic protocol for machine-assisted data
contextualization and data retrieval via persistent
identifiers dereferencing may look then as follows:
1. The agent resolves the data PID and tries to
uncover a number of aspects: what type of
intellectual entity the PID designates; how many
data artefacts are there, and what are their
formats; whether any authentication or signature
is required for data retrieval; what is the path (or
the sequence of requests required) to the data
artefacts associated with the PID.
2. The agent makes some sort of automated
inference on the above aspects or/and requests
the opinion of a human user which options to
3. The agent forms the request to get the data
artefacts and their context/metadata (as advised
by the previous step), and arranges for the
authentication or the signature if required.
4. The agent looks for a software application
suitable for data rendering or analysis, and feeds
the data artefacts and their context into that
The existing data PID management services such
as DataCite will be involved in this new service only
initially when they assist in minting PIDs.
Everything else: collecting statements about PIDs,
reasoning over statements, and actions resulted from
reasoning can be supported by a new vendor-
agnostic service independent of existing PID
management providers.
The schematic view of this new independent data
PID contextualization service aimed at the
automated data retrieval using data PIDs is presented
in Figure 1:
Figure 1: Suggested service design.
One of the advantages of this service is that it
will allow the automated data retrieval using all sorts
of PIDs: DOIs, ARKs, and bespoke identifiers, as
the statements can be made and shared in a common
repository for any of the existing PID types.
From technology perspective, the statements
repository could be based on a massive graph
database or a triple store, or a federation of them,
and on the commonly accepted, vendor-neutral (yet,
potentially, domain-specific) definitions of the
executable data retrieval protocols that result from
fully automated or machine-assisted reasoning over
shared statements about data PIDs.
A pilot service could be built first for a particular
research community, then scaled up in a multi-
domain environment, which will prove then the
universality of the approach suggested. Facilities
science with its established data acquisition and data
sharing practices outlined in (Bunakov et al., 2015)
can be a perfect case for such a pilot. There is an
ongoing effort within PanData initiative www.pan- of building a machine-interpretable
description (ontology) of facilities science domain,
and EUDAT project performs
experiments on the scalability of RDF triple stores
and graph databases that should be able to
manipulate substantial numbers of granular
statements about data PIDs. These two streams of
work can be joined for building a working prototype
of a scalable service in support of data PIDs
contextualization and automated data retrieval.
A variety of practices for minting data persistent
identifiers leads to disparate and semantically inept
representations of data PIDs context that makes it
difficult to use the existing PID resolution
mechanisms for automated data retrieval.
This work, first, considered existing suggestions
for IT architecture in support of data retrieval via
PIDs. Secondly, it suggested a methodology for the
analysis of data PID minting practices to be taken
into account for the design of an automated data
retrieval service, and presented an example of such
analysis. Thirdly, a particular design of data retrieval
service was suggested, based on data PIDs semantic
annotations (statements) shared in a common
repository, perhaps underpinned by a federated
infrastructure. Also, a potential for a vendor-neutral
implementation of a pilot service in a certain data
publishing domain was indicated.
This work is a contribution to business analysis
and IT architecture required for such a service and
should help to support the implementation of it.
This work is supported by EDUDAT project funded by the EU Horizon2020
research and innovation programme. The author
thanks his colleagues in EUDAT for the discussions,
although all the views presented are those of the
author and not necessarily of the EUDAT
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