4.3 Experimental Evaluation
To evaluate the obtained inertia threshold, we
worked on forty business processes models. In this
empirical study, we applied the hierarchical
algorithm to forty business process models, and we
calculated the inertia for each case. The results
showed that the best clustering is obtained in 36
models with a threshold inertia value that does not
exceed 0.015.
The information contained in a socio-semantic
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their organizational relationships (structural
information). Such information allows to perform
more comprehensive analyses over the network from
different perspectives, which provides for better
restructuring decisions.
Unlike existing the approaches which use one
type of information, in this paper, we proposed an
approach for social network restructuring that uses
both structural and semantic information. Our
approach relies on the definition of the concept of
context which augments the social network with
semantics pertinent to the business process. In
addition, it uses two new distances that account for
the semantic and structural information, and applies
a hierarchical clustering algorithm to identify
performer clusters. Each cluster represents an
affiliation of well-connected performers that have
similar profiles.
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that uses the obtained clusters to restructure an
organization. This method extends our preliminary
identified set of rules for transforming a BPMN
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Ben-Abdallah, 2015).
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