with other entities (where no direct relation exists)
which might not be desired and therefore avoided.
For explicit dependencies, the knowledge models of
Organic Computing systems have been mostly ade-
quate, since self-learning systems can find such re-
lations based on e.g. reinforcement learning tech-
niques (Sutton and Barto, 1998). For implicit de-
pendencies, methods to model dependencies between
randomised variables are needed. For instance, risk
measures (McNeil et al., 2005) from Operational Re-
search or copula models (Nelsen, 1998) can be used.
Current research effort works towards self-integrating
techniques that merge design-time and runtime pro-
cesses (Bellman et al., 2014).
4.5 Self-optimisation
Finally, all the previous steps are performed on the
basis of a currently active configuration that serves as
general decision guideline. This is subject to a higher-
level process that tries to self-optimise all the under-
lying self-x processes. Thereby, applied reinforce-
ment techniques provide the first step towards self-
optimisation – a further step is to integrate suitable
search heuristics (Cakar et al., 2011).
In contrast to state-of-the-art model-based con-
trollers that work on static and design-time-based
models, we need capabilities to automatically de-
rive and maintain models at runtime (Niemann et al.,
Current and future technical systems show increas-
ingly interwoven characteristics. This leads to novel
challenges regarding their controllability. Based on
this observation, this paper discussed challenges re-
sulting from the interwoven character and outlines so-
lution strategies based on Organic Computing tech-
niques. We derive five key enablers to counter com-
plexity issues and outlines how classic control con-
cepts can be enriched to provide sufficient and stable
feedback mechanism that can deal with interwoven
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