These labels are supported by the QuEF framework,
which, by assigning a weight, can be used for
analysis and evaluation in a quick and efficient way.
It is worth pointing out that Valortia creates
certifications based on the aforementioned skills and
ISO 17024. Thus, it ensures good practice guidelines
to evaluate customers. Finally, the QuEF framework
is starting to be applied in industry: THOT,
VALORTIA, ADAPT and CalipsoNEO are
examples of this practice.
As future line of research, there is still work with
THOT project, in order to make a decision on which
documentation tool and features are better.
Additionally, ERIS G3 project uses the QuEF
framework to compare organizations and decide on
the most suitable one to develop the project.
This research has been supported by the MeGUS
project (TIN2013-46928-C3-3-R) of the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation.
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