We have established two global indicators of positive
impact and implementation complexity, to measure
the business value of data accuracy improvement
According to the values of these indicators and to
the targeted accuracy level (to-be), two business cases
may be considered:
The first one is to improve the processes
(reengineering, control, etc.), by enhancing
their execution accuracy. This is a short term
option that is generally less expensive, but
requires change management because it affects
the working methods;
The second one is based on the improvement of
data accuracy by determining and analyzing the
sources of low quality, such as uncontrolled
data acquisition, update problems, etc.
Since the automation of business processes
guarantees, in a way, the quality of their execution,
actions must be directed towards the improvement of
the accuracy of the data used by these processes. Our
approach highlights the most cost-effective data
accuracy improvement projects.
The result of the work accomplished thus far shows
how to measure in a quantitative manner, the business
value of data quality improvement projects, by
establishing two global indicators of positive impact
and implementation complexity.
In this paper, only the assessment of data accuracy
projects was covered. One or more case studies’
validation is necessary.
Furthermore, and in order to recommend the
optimal business case to improve data accuracy and
thus, the overall organization’s performance, an
optimization algorithm is under development to
identify the optimal data accuracy level, taking
account of: 1) – the initial data accuracy level (as-is),
2) – the positive impact of the key process that uses
the data, 3) – the implementation complexity of data
accuracy improvement initiative, and 4) - the targeted
data accuracy (to-be).
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