This work has shown by theoretical arguments and
case studies, the equivalence between two different
modularity representations of a software system, viz.
the Modularity Matrix and its Modularity Lattice.
This is interesting as it mutually reinforces their
independent conclusions, and it triggers new
questions in each representation, motivated by the
line of thoughts of the other one.
In practical terms, both representations enable to
assess modularity of a software system and to
highlight localized couplings deserving software
sub-system redesign.
8.1 Future Work
Concerning rigorous formalization, linearity still is
an open issue worth of investigation in the context of
Modularity Lattices. Moreover, is there any meaning
to non-linearity for software systems?
In the context of Modularity Matrices, we have
asked whether systems with outliers like the
NEESGrid system, are amenable to complete block-
diagonalization or they are essentially non-block-
diagonal. Are these systems the exception, or a class
on their own? The equivalence of Modularity
Matrices and Lattices should facilitate research.
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