results, e.g. if results are quantitative or qualitative,
number of identified usability problems and their
severity. Today, many methods exist. Different
methods can be used in different product
development stages and they require different tools,
equipment, spaces and participating persons. All
these facts can influence obtained results and,
consequently, costs connected to the procedure of
usability testing and evaluation.
Authors’ approach: a combination of Heuristic
Evaluation and User Testing allows to involve both
experts and representatives of users. These methods
require existence of a user interface to be evaluated,
so they are suitable for analogue maps. There are
several strengths and weaknesses connected to each
method which are described in the text.
For future authors plan to improve Heuristic
Evaluation by means of artificial intelligence
methods, namely fuzzy logic, to make evaluation
easier for evaluators letting them use their natural
language during evaluation.
The paper has been completed with the kind support
of SGS project of FEA, University of Pardubice.
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