calculated. Under the map, there is also a list of the
actual crime related news (hourly updated), which is
the most important part in the support of the
decision-making process and delivering the crime
related results in the minimum possible time.
The highest crime weight in the Figure 6 has the
capital city of the CR. The other crime hotspots are
situated in the North Bohemia region (Most and
Teplice) and in the North Moravia region (Ostrava).
These results were validated by comparison with the
Police of the CR official database and they showed
no significant difference between the compared data.
Although the geographical area for the proposed
application is the CR, this research can be of general
interest to practitioners in criminology, data mining
and geographical mapping in other parts of the
world as well, because the demonstration of how an
application can be used to map crime can be adapted
to other environments and scenarios.
The main objective and partial goals are completed
successfully. The attention of authors is in this case
concentrated only on the mass media servers.
Nevertheless, the approach outlined by this paper
can be integrated to provide much broader analyses.
Organizations using this application can improve
decision-making capabilities in a rapidly changing
environment and have a direct impact on the safety
of the selected cities. In addition, it can help the
police and other public sector institutions view and
understand underlying crime hotspots, movements
and patterns. It can also help to increase cooperation
between them and the citizens they serve.
On the basis of the promising findings presented
in this paper, work on the remaining issues is
continuing and will be presented in the future
papers. As a future extension of this paper, authors
will focus on the improvement of the proposed web
data mining application. Users will have an option to
select the month (date) or the concrete mass media
server together with the selected crime type as a list
box and the choice to filter the results. Nonetheless,
the first step in this process should be the definition
of the framework and identification of patterns.
This paper was supported by the SGSFES_2015001
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