ent implementations, suitable for the respective scenar-
ios. In other mashup approaches, the implementation
is static and only fits a predefined scenario, i.e., it is not
generic enough. Furthermore, through a cloud-ready
approach, we can provide availability and scalability
of our solution, which is an important factor, espe-
cially for coping with large volumes. Our approach
can provide these features due to the provisioning of
our solution in the cloud, using independently scalable
cloud services. Finally, our solution enables extensi-
bility, i.e., it is not bound to a fixed set of data sources
and data operations. We enable this through a generic
approach using extensible repositories and a flexible,
transformation pattern-based transformation.
Wieland et al. (Wieland et al., 2015) present a simi-
lar approach to Mashup Plans and their transformation
by introducing Situation Templates, a model for the
integration of sensor data used for situation recogni-
tion in so called smart environments. However, in this
approach, the focus is on integrating sensor data, i.e.,
other data sources such as relational databases or text
sources are not supported.
In this paper, we introduced extended techniques for
flexible modeling and execution of data mashups. We
enable the non-technical modeling and execution of
ad-hoc integration scenarios by domain-experts. As
described in the introduction, our goals were (i) the
support of different use cases and scenarios through a
generic mashup approach, (ii) the flexible, ad-hoc data
integration by domain-experts, (iii) exploiting hetero-
geneous, i.e., structured and unstructured data sources,
(iv) the creation of a scalable, stable and reusable solu-
tion, as well as (v) the dynamic (un-)tethering of data
sources. The first goal (i) was realized by the introduc-
tion of transformation patterns that enable flexibility
regarding different scenarios by a pattern-based trans-
formation implementation selection. We enabled (ii)
by introducing the modeling level, on which domain-
experts can create their own integration scenarios using
a domain-specific model. (iii) was achieved by the in-
troduction of extensible DSD and DPD repositories.
As a consequence, the support for heterogeneous data
sources – either structured or unstructured – can be pro-
vided by technical experts, implementing these compo-
nents, so the user can use them in an abstracted format
themselves. We further enabled (iv), by creating a
stable, reusable solution through the subdivision into
stateless, scalable cloud services that can be managed
independently. Finally, the last goal (v) is supported
by the re-modeling and re-execution of Mashup Plans
enabled by domain-specific models.
In this paper, we introduced a first version of our
approach. In the future, we will continue working on
these concepts by introducing a transformation pattern
catalog containing further transformation patterns and
corresponding implementations. We will also consider
privacy and accountability aspects in the future due to
the provisioning of our solution in a cloud environment.
Our approach towards privacy and accountability in
Mashups will build on existing work (Mohammed
et al., 2009), (Zou et al., 2013). Furthermore, we
will improve the domain-specific Mashup Plan model
by introducing modeling patterns.
This work is supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
within the Cluster of Excellence Simulation Technol-
ogy (EXC 310/1) and within the project SitOPT (Grant
610872). We would like to thank the group of Prof.
Frank Leymann of the Institute of Architecture of Ap-
plication Systems
for their support and cooperation
in these projects as well as the reviewers for their help-
ful comments.
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