ior changes and therefore its trajectories. In the liter-
ature, a great interest is expressed in the manage-
ment of moving objects. Some works are interested
only into the operational IS modeling (Spaccapietra
et al., 2007). While databases models are not suita-
ble to describe the multidimensional aspects, multi-
ple works are interested in the multidimensional
modeling of mobile objects behaviour.
In the literature, there are three approaches lead-
ing to store data in a Data Warehouse (DW); the top
down approach (Tryfona et al., 1999), the bottom up
approach (Kimball et al., 1998) and the middle out
approach (Sapia et al., 1998).
To the best of our knowledge, approaches that
are proposed to investigate the problem of Trajecto-
ry Data Warehouse (TDW) modeling are based only
on the top-down approach.
Marketos et al. (2008) dealt with the problem of
TDW building. Indeed, they proposed a framework
for TDW that takes into consideration the complete
flow of tasks required during a TDW development.
In fact, the first step consists to apply the trajectory
reconstruction process on the raw time-stamped
location data in order to generate trajectories. The
second step relies on the Extract-Transform-Load
(ETL) process that has to plays its important role in
order to feed Trajectory Data Cube. To achieve this
goal, authors proposed two alternative solutions: a
(index based) cell-oriented and a (non-index-based)
trajectory oriented ETL process. The final step of-
fers OLAP capabilities over the aggregated infor-
mation contained in the trajectory cube model. Au-
thors evaluated the efficiency of the proposed solu-
tions by implementing the TDW architecture for a
real-world application; an e-Courier dataset.
Arfaoui et al. (2011) presented a trajectory mod-
el related to the displacement of the herd, which
allows building a DW containing trajectory data.
These later are generated following the monitoring
of herd movements. To achieve this, authors pro-
posed two models. The first one is based on the
Entity-Relation (ER) model which helps to visualize
the different entities corresponding to the trajectory
and its different components as well as the relation
that can exist between them. The second one is
based on the Spaccapietra model. Results show that
the second model is more efficient for generating a
TDW model since it puts into consideration spatial
and temporal aspects, which is neglected by the first
Errajhi (2014) investigated the problem of TDW
modeling using a new method which is based on a
generic model that it could easily be adapted to any
domain. Their work shows the benefits of fuzzy
logic in solving the challenges related to TD by
integrating fuzzy concepts into the conceptual and
the logical model. Fuzzy sets provide mathematical
meanings to natural language and are therefore able
to handle the imprecision of the natural language.
For that, they integrated the fuzzy logic in the TDW
modeling. Then, authors’ work has been implement-
ed to ambulance management domain.
Leonardi (2014) presents a new approach that
aims at designing a TDW model, having the ability
to store and analyze trajectory data. Authors includ-
ed the spatial and temporal notions in dimensions.
Therefore, the framework collects streams of spatio-
temporal observations related to the position of mov-
ing objects; this presents the first task to reconstruct
TD. The next step presents the ETL phase where
such reconstructed trajectories will be used in order
to load the aggregated data into the proposed TDW.
Authors implemented T-WAREHOUSE, a system
that incorporates all the required steps for Visual
Trajectory Data Warehousing, from trajectory re-
construction and ETL processing to Visual OLAP
analysis on mobility data.
Following the study of a sample of works related to
the TDSrc and TDSS modeling, we present a com-
parative study based on weaknesses and strengths of
each research work.
As the “trajectory” term is a new concept, we
note that the researchers were interested in trajecto-
ries modelling in the first place. The work of (Spac-
capietra et al., 2007) is among works which tried to
solve the problem of TDSrc conceptual modelling.
Trajectories’ studies didn’t stop at this level. In fact,
the last work presents the basis of the work (Arfaoui
et al., 2011) where authors are concentrated on the
modelling of the animals’ trajectories. They pro-
posed two ways of trajectory data models to build a
TDW model allowing the storage of TD. The first
one is based on the ER model and the second is
based on the model of (Spaccapietra et al., 2007).
The new notion “fuzzy”, that is interposed in
(Errajhi 2014), gives another manner to study the
TDW modelling. This method gives a meaning to
TDWs when fuzzy data are involved and especially
when users want to ask questions in natural lan-
The main goal that gathers the majority of works
cited above is to model a generic TDW design that is
able to facilitate the decision-making in different
areas. To achieve this goal, we note that these works