Repository to the continuous modifications in the
legislation imposed by the designate authorities.
However these modifications heavily influence also
the historical data collection, its uniformity and
analysis. An additional challenge of the SSEC
activity is therefore to adopt specific procedures to
manage, verify and update the normative corpus so
promptly react and integrate the legislation
modifications, the official clarifications or
interpretations provided by the designate authorities.
During the on-line testing activity one of the main
problem encountered by the SSEC has been the
management of the documentations provided by the
stakeholders that in many cases did not reach the
sufficient level of detail. Indeed, due to time-to-
market constraints, either the architectural model or
the functional model could not be fully complete and
documentation integration could be necessary.
An additional critical issue of the on-line testing
activity is the management of the errors discovered
during the test plan execution. Indeed, in case of
faults or non-compliances, corrections of the source
code are necessary. This increases the prize, in terms
of time and effort, of the certification and
development activities. In particular, an important
delay in the test certification release could be caused
by the necessity to the execution of an additional
phase of regression testing. This is important to
verify that the source code corrections do not
invalidate the already tested functionalities. To
speed up this part of the process, the solution
adopted inside the SSEC is the compartmentation of
the source code, i.e. wherever possible, by the
analysis of the documentation available, the source
code is sliced into separate components so that only
the test cases related to a specific part are selected
and re-executed.
In order to identify the best strategy to improve
the effectiveness of the fight against tax evasion,
currently the Italian legislators are trying to
strengthen the transactions traceability. To this aim,
the abolition of the fiscal receipt is being considered
as well as the adoption of tools for the electronic
invoice and the telematic transmission of the
payments. By means of these actions, an important
process of cultural change is becoming established
in the country. This apparent simplification of the
transactions traceability imposes new challenges of
technological advancement and adjustments in
respect of the legislation for the cash register
developers, suppliers and vendors. A reorganization
of the certification process in the legislation
compliance check is needed as well. These
challenges advise that the fiscal receipt is more and
more becoming the symbol of a historic moment
destined already to a quick end (Prokin and Prokin,
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