Vulnerability Database) (OSF, 2015) to determine
threats related to security requirements mentioned on
our abuse case diagram.
To carry out the intention “Mitigate Domain
Security Risks” we choose DREAD method (Meier et
al., 2003) to evaluate risks.
Finally, to perform “Design domain” intention, we
modeled our reference architecture.
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(Achour et al., 2015). We are based on Map
formalism which permits to orient the developer for
using security methods, concepts, standards and
frameworks (such as RMF, STRIDE and Common
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three concepts contributions: a large-scale reuse
system (product line engineering), service-oriented
architecture and software security. We presented an
illustrative example related to a range of
governmental services offered by the Tunisian
Ministry of the interior and local development to
show the feasibility of our proposal. Our perspectives
are first to provide a tool which supports Secure
SOPL. Second, we would like to validate the
proposed approach in different contexts such as e-
commerce, e-learning, etc.
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