3.5 Data Flow
In Section 3.3 and 3.4 stimuli and normalized stimuli
have been defined. This subsection deals with how
those normalization happens. In Section 2 the concept
of mapping relation has been introduced: normalizing
a physical zone into another physical zone can be triv-
ial or quite complex depending on the nature of the
data, but it should always be a repeatable and deter-
ministic process, which means that it is possible to de-
fine a mapping function that relates any physical zone
into a corresponding physical zone in the reference
space. As already mentioned, the difference between
data and physical is purely logical, so it is reasonable
to say that data zones are normalized accordingly; it is
nonetheless noteworthy that a mapping relation could
easily need further information about the zones that
need to be normalized.
Using mapping relations in order to remove any
relationship between a sensor and the data it produces
allows to obtain homogenous data, resolving one of
the main issues of sensor heterogeneity.
Consider the acceleration previously defined and
normalized in the reference scenario. The physical
normalization is trivial and only consists in contex-
tualizing the stimulus in the non-oriented part of the
acc1 physical zone. The data zone conversion in-
stead, must use the orientation from the physical zone
of acc1 in order to normalize the acceleration from
the accelerations data space of acc1 to the room1 ac-
celerations data space that is jointly placed with the
room1 physical space: this means that, apart from
the usual conversions of scales and measurement unit,
a roto-translation of the acceleration is needed. The
information needed for this particular transformation
is the orientation of the accelerations data space of
acc1, which directly depends on the orientation of
acc1 itself. This is why acc1 has an oriented physi-
cal zone and its normalized stimuli does not: the ori-
entation has already been taken into consideration for
normalizing the acceleration data.
Similarly, the cam1 stimuli are normalized into
normalized stimuli that feature non-oriented physical
zones. This time the orientation is not used to manip-
ulate the data zone, but it is required, along with other
intrinsic parameters of cam1, to determine the shape,
size and displacement of the cone that represents the
physical zone of each normalized stimulus.
The proposed model has been implemented in a pre-
liminary proof-of-concept Java-based version in order
to test the main ideas. The testing has been conducted
exploiting simulated sensors, in particular accelerom-
eters and thermometers.
While a solid and wider implementation is re-
quired, the approach has proven to be effective and,
in the test case, efficient.
The main future directions include the manage-
ment of other typologies of senors including cameras;
an experimentation with real world sensors; and the
realization of data-flow mechanisms that domain ap-
plications can exploit to access and query normalized
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