The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, the definition and limitations of
SR technologies are discussed. Section 3 introduces
the NLSP algorithm. In Section 4, a real-time SR al-
gorithm and expanded NLSP for a security camera
system are proposed. Section 5 presents experimen-
tal results, and conclusions and suggestions for future
work are given in Section 6.
Improving image resolution from analog TV to
HDTV has been a highly active field of research for
more than two decades. Note that many images can-
not be recorded under reasonable conditions because
of optical limitations, such as different lenses, light-
ing conditions, and focus. As a result, such images
do not always have sufficient resolution. For years,
unsharp masking (USM; also referred to as edge en-
hancement) has been the only method to enhance
video in real-time systems. Although USM is a sim-
ple and cost effective method, it does not essentially
improve resolution; it provides better image quality
using either a band-pass filter (BPF) or a high-pass
filter (HPF). However, USM can introduce noise and
edges to images.
SR technology, which has been researched for ap-
proximately two decades (Elad and Feuer, 1996), cre-
ates an HRI from LRIs. Many SR methods have been
proposed (Farsiu et al., 2004; Park et al., 2003; van
Eekeren et al., 2010; Matsumoto and Ida, 2008) ;
however, these methods are primarily applied to still
images, where processing time is not of paramount
importance. Such algorithms perform iterations to
construct an HRI from LRIs. These iterations con-
tinue until the value calculated by a constraint con-
dition converges to the minimum value. Minimiz-
ing this constraint condition is simply a method of
weighted least squares, and the reached point is gen-
erally not exact. Furthermore, there is no guarantee
that the minimum point can create the highest resolu-
tion. In such methods, the number of iterations can
become greater than 200 (Sugie and Gohshi, 2013) ,
and the iterations are sometimes discontinued before
they converge to the minimum point. Even though
such methods can reach the highest resolution, the re-
quired iterations create a bottleneck for real-time sig-
nal processing. Moreover, to assess results, previous
studies have only visually compared the original and
the SR processed images. However, this is a subjec-
tive quality assessment.
It is almost impossible to recognize the difference
between the proposed SR technologies and previous
image enhancement technologies by simply assessing
the pre- and post-processed images because the va-
lidities of image processing methods differ depend-
ing on the images. In recent times, some manufac-
turers have stated that their commercial products are
equipped with SR functions. However, these manu-
facturers have not disclosed the SR algorithms they
employ, and there is no evidence to support their
claims. Therefore, an objective assessment method
is required.
SR can be defined as creating high-frequency
elements that the original image does not possess.
Here we propose to compare the two-dimensional fast
Fourier transform (2D-FFT) of the preprocessed im-
age with that of the post-processed image. If the 2D-
FFT results are shown, we can compare the spectra
of the pre- and post-processed images. If the spectra
of the SR post-processed image have high-frequency
elements that the preprocessed image does not pos-
sess, it can be concluded that the signal processing
method has expanded the spectra. If a proposed SR
technology could create high-frequency elements that
the original image does not possess, the 2D-FFT re-
sults should be demonstrated. Thus, we propose 2D-
FFT results as an objective assessment criteria for SR.
Figure 1 shows a crisp image and Figure 2 shows
a blurred image of Figure 1. Figure 3 is the 2D-FFT
result of Figure 1, and Figure 4 is the 2D-FFT result
of Figure 2.
By comparing Figures 3 and 4, it can be seen that
the resolution of Figures 1 and 2 can be assessed
quantitatively. Since images have different charac-
teristics, the validity of SR differs depending on the
images. Thus, only comparing the pre- and post-
processed images is an ineffective way to assess the
validity of SR because this is a qualitative subjec-
tive assessment; thus, scores may vary for different
observers. However, the proposed 2D-FFT criterion
provides an objective assessment that yields quantita-
tive scores.
NLSP has been proposed for the up-conversion of
4K video to 8K video (Gohshi, 2014). Although the
NLSP algorithm (Figure 6) is quite simple, it can cre-
ate higher frequency elements that the original image
does not possess.
The input image is distributed to a HPF and an
adder (ADD). The HPF detects edges in the image,
and the edges are processed with a nonlinear function
(NLF). The NLF is a symmetry function with respect