key mismatch rate p
= 28.3%. During the key
reconciliation each block of 23 key sequence bits in
length has been verified with the CRC-16 code.
After successful block verification we excluded 16
arbitrary bits from this block to prevent a key
leakage caused by the CRC-code transmission. The
achieved reconciliation efficiency was about η =
2.6%. Thus, collecting the multipath fluctuations
data for 300 seconds Alice and Bob were able to
extract 30-bit shared key sequence. Despite the
humble key generation rate achieved in practice, our
experiments prove a feasibility of the Wireless Key
Distribution based on the carrier phase fluctuations
in a mobile communications scenario.
Our experiments proved a feasibility of the Wireless
Key Distribution based on the carrier phase method
for the case of mobile communications within a real
urban environment. The key generation rate about
~ 0.1 bits per second (bps) has been achieved at
satisfactory statistical properties of the generated
key. Despite the humble key generation rates
achieved in practice, we believe in a great potential
of the method for the secure wireless key
distributing between the base station and mobile
subscriber in a cellular communications scenario.
However, a further improvement of synchronization
protocol for the legitimate users’ equipment is
required to achieve better system performance.
A key interception probability evaluation and its
spatial decorrelation problem should be addressed in
the following experiments.
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