accumulated in the Crystal Structure Databases
The essence of the approach is to generate a
random set (population) of trial crystal structures
and evolve it using probabilistic formal genetic
operations: selection, crossover, mutation, etc.
Evolutionary selection is based on the offspring
structure evaluation by fitness function, which
represents here the weighted difference between the
model profile (calculated from the trial structure)
and the experimental diffraction pattern, i.e. one
must minimize the profile R
-factor of the Rietveld
method. The crystal structure model found is refined
by the Rietveld method based on the nonlinear least
squares. The Rietveld method is also used for the
quantitative X-ray analysis of multiphase materials.
The possibility of refinement of the actual crystal
structure of multiphase material phases makes QPA
"structurally sensitive" and thereby greatly increases
its accuracy.
A two-level hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) of
structural analysis (Yakimov, 2009) is used mainly
to analyse the crystal structure of inorganic
substances. This GA performs the evolution of
profile and structural parameters of the Rietveld
method and controls its refinement by the derivative
difference minimizing method (DDM) (Solovyov,
2008) (an analogue of the Rietveld method).
The DDM method is based on the minimization
of difference curve derivatives:
where Y
and Y
are observed and calculated profile
intensities, correspondingly,
is the diffraction
angle, w is the weight coefficient and the summation
is fulfilled over the entire XRD powder profile.
The calculated profile is
where К is constant; S
are scale factors of the
calculated diffraction profile for phase i; I
is the
integral intensity of diffraction reflexes h for phase i,
and I
is a function of the crystal structure
parameters for the phase i; Ω
is the profile function
of diffraction reflexes;
is the vector
of the profile and crystal structure parameters.
The DDM method includes a refinement of the
profile and crystal structure parameters
of phases
by the nonlinear least squares method (LSM). The
initial values of the parameters are determined by
the hybrid GA.
The GA fitness function is the R-factor of the
DDM, which represents a numerical derivative of
the relative difference between the calculated and
experimental powder pattern and is computed in a
similar way to the usual Rwp-factor of the Rietveld
The authors of (Yakimov, 2012) have shown that
it is possible to perform the automated standardless
full-profile quantitative X-ray analysis on the basis
of a two-level hybrid GA with the DDM.
The concept of evolutionary XRD QPA is the
searching on the 1st level of the GA for the initial
approximation of a profile and refinable structural
parameters within given value ranges and then its
refinement by the DDM on the 2nd level of the GA.
The QPA feature is that the crude initial values of
the parameters can be determined in advance. For
example, the atomic coordinates of the crystal
structures are taken from the Crystal Structure
Databases. Therefore, the search for more accurate
initial values by the GA can be performed within
narrow ranges of parameter values. The flowchart of
the GA is shown in Figure 2.
The profile parameters include the width of the
diffraction reflexes, their shape, etc. Refinable
structural parameters include the coordinates of
atoms in the common positions of phase crystal
lattices. Together with them, the dimensions of
crystalline cell axes and texture parameters
(preferred orientation of particles) are refined, as
well as the scale factors S
of calculated diffraction
profiles of phases in the powder patterns of the
material. The listed parameters are binarized and
encapsulated in a string, the GA chromosome.
Objects of the evolution in GA2 are bit strings
Each bit set in ‘1’ specifies a corresponding
parameter of
to be refined by the DDM on the
current generation. The better the refining has been,
the higher B-type fitness is assigned. Thus genetic
operations over B-individuals generate strategies of
P-individuals refinement.
The evolution of the parameters in the iterative
execution process on both GA levels provides a
selection of good initial approximations for the
DDM. Periodic refinement of the best parametric
strings by DDM leads to a convergence of any of
them to low R
-factor values (less than 10%).
Then, the optimized scaling factors S
of the
calculated diffraction profiles of phases are used to
calculate the phase concentrations С
in the material: