Measurement of the Distributed Strain and Temperature by
Modeling the Brillouin Spectrum
Mohamed Bouyahi, Amira Zrelli, Houria Rezig and Tahar Ezzedine
Communication System Laboratory Sys’Com, National Engineering School of Tunis,
University Tunis El Manar, BP 37, belvedere 1002, Tunis, Tunisia
Keywords: Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS), Distributed Temperature Sensors, Optical Fiber Sensors.
Abstract: Actually, Structural health monitoring (SHM) presents an important field of researches, since we can
monitor many civil structures using optical fiber sensors which give us the opportunity to explore the effect
of shifting many parameters to detect and measure the influence of both temperature and strain in sensing
fiber, we choose to work on Brillouin-scattering-based distributed sensor. In this paper, we make out the
influence of shift temperature and strain in Brillouin scattering. The study proves the importance of
Brillouin coefficients by fixing all of them. The Brillouin Spectrum will be modulating with Matlab codes.
The progress of optical fiber technology and
applications in recent years has improved in the
SHM which has
an important role in the construction
phase and service stage. Lots of parameters, such as
temperature, displacement, strain and material
corrosion, are monitored to evaluate the safety of the
structure. Optical fiber is sensible by many kinds of
parameters (temperature, strain, pression, shape) and
optics (refractive index, mode conversion). In this
case, we choose to detect temperature and strain
variation using optical fiber potentially over long
distances. Whenever temperature or strain change,
optical fiber detects this variation, the refractive
index of silica (material of optical fibers) precisely
changes in response to such variation. In Optical
fibers, there are two nonlinear scattering phenomena
which can be investigated: Stimulated Raman
Scattering (SRS) and Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
(SBS) and both are related to vibration excitation
modes of silica. In this work we concentrate on
studding SBS, which is observed at high guided light
intensity, and affected by the change in refractive
index. This change is recognized through the
Brillouin shift. By measuring the change in Brillouin
shift, the distribution of temperature and strain over
long distances can be obtained, hence coined as
distributed fiber sensors (Singh and Gangwar, 2007).
The vital fiber optic technologies which are
developed for sensor applications are the distributed
fiber optic sensing (Azizan and Shahimin, 2012) and
(Singh and Gangwar, 2007). Distributed sensing,
specially the one using Brillouin signal, is able to
extract many information such as temperature and
strain along the sensing fiber. The information
extracted is highly concrete.
The goal of the sensor optical fiber is to
determine the physical parameters of a fiber
position. The distributed sensors optical fiber is
important in monitoring of the broad structures
(Bridge, Tunnel).
Detecting strain or temperature variation over
small region can be considered as complicated. In
this work we choose to limit our measurement to
20Km, then distributed sensor is the most useful
model in long distance. So, long measuring time is
needed to achieve distributed measurement. The
characteristics of BOTDR (Brillouin Optical Time
Domain Reflectometry) help us to measure strain
and temperature along arbitrary regions. BOTDR is
a distributed optical fiber strain sensor whose
operation is based on Brillouin scattering.
BOTDR is a coherent detection method using a
pulsed light. The main idea is to launch a light into
the optical fiber and then generate spontaneous
Brillouin scattering Therefore, the Brillouin
scattering occurs when the aquastic wave
propagating within the fiber, interact with the light.
It causes a frequency shift of the backscattered
Bouyahi M., Zrelli A., Rezig H. and Ezzedine T..
Measurement of the Distributed Strain and Temperature by Modeling the Brillouin Spectrum.
DOI: 10.5220/0005562600360041
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS-2015), pages 36-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-116-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)