rocket flying to the fixed range of 140 km. The
flight time is about 190 sec. As seen, the trajectories
are fairly close to each other but the gradient method
results are again sub-optimal, with some
intermediate higher maneuver. This maneuver
entails a total cost of 0.6769 sec, compared with
merely 0.6242 sec of GPOPS. However, the CPU
computation time for the latter was 28 sec, as
opposed to 3 sec for the former.
Figure 2: Fixed range trajectories.
Present day computational methods, in particular
direct methods such as pseudo-spectral and
collocation methods, are widely and successfully in
use. Bryson’s and Kelley’s old but powerful ideas
of Gradients in Function Space are much less used
today, perhaps under the impression that the current
methods are superior and therefore these techniques
belong to the past.
The purpose of this position paper was to
somewhat rectify this impression by claiming that, at
least for fast computations and very simple
implementations, Gradients in Function Space can
still be an invaluable method. The computation time
is, typically, one order of magnitude lower than for
the direct methods, and the implementation (e.g. the
number of code lines needed to perform the
calculations, the required memory size, etc.) is also
much less demanding as no NLP solver is required.
Consequently, the algorithm fits very well with on-
board computations. Optimal rocket trajectory is a
problem where such advantages are important.
The author wish to thank Dr. Eugene M. Cliff from
Virginia Tech for his useful comments regarding the
manuscript, and Mr. Matthias Bittner from the
Institute of Flight System Dynamics, Technische
Universität München, for his help in producing
efficient collocation results.
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