Figure 5: States response and the control law.
Figure 6: Cost function evaluation.
verse optimal control problem, this CLF depends only
on one time-variant parameter P
, where P = P
∗ P
and P
is a predefined matrix. Then this parameter
is adjusted by the mean of speed-gradient (SG) al-
gorithm. In this research, the simulation results indi-
cate that the proposed method has better performance
compared to the existing method as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: A Comparison between EKF based Approach and
Other approaches.
Methods X
→ 0 X
→ 0 Cost functional
Main theorem 10 Steps 8 Steps 40
Speed Gradient 8 Steps 7 Steps 10
EKF Based 3 Steps 2 Steps 4
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from the traditional solution of nonlinear optimal con-
trol. For this new approach, a discrete-time con-
trol lyapunov function (CLF) in a quadratic form is
proposed, whose parameters is determined by using
extended kalman filter (EKF) algorithm. This CLF
will be used to establish the inverse optimal control
law. The validation of the proposed method is made
through MATLAB simulation. The results illustrate
that the proposed controller ensures stabilization of
nonlinear systems and minimizes a cost functional.
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