100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Temperature [°C]
- T
- T
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Temperature [°C]
Time [min]
Figure 16: Simulation results of the MPC controller.
In the case where the cold water temperature is
constant the controller holds the temperature well ex-
cept a certain small offset due to model differences. A
change in the cold water temperature directly disturbs
the gun temperature. The standard MPC approach ap-
plied here cannot deal with that, because such distur-
bance is not predictable. The controller has to be ex-
tended with some action for disturbance rejection like
integral action.
A thermal MIMO model of the RF GUN for FLASH
was derived. The model focuses on the cooling circuit
and the influence of the LLRF to it. Since the struc-
ture of the facility at European XFEL is comparable
to FLASH the structure of the model can be used and
only parameters have to be adjusted.
The RF GUN and the cooling circuit are modeled by
power balances. With that the main dynamics of the
thermal behaviour of the facility are captured. The as-
sumptions that one temperature representing the tem-
perature distribution of the whole RF GUN turned out
to be valid. The parameters of the model were esti-
mated by measurement data. Simulation results show
good fits of the RF GUN temperature dynamics to the
measurement data. In the cooling circuit some differ-
ences between simulated and measured temperature
occur caused by only few measurement information
of the cooling circuit available for parameter identifi-
cation, especially the missing flow information.
With the model a model predictive control approach
is derived in simulation to control the gun temperature
by the cold water valve. A rough approximation of the
LLRF control and a linearization of the model allows
the application of a linear MPC approach. Tuning the
controller by changing the weights of the cost func-
tion and testing it in simulation shows that a predictive
cooling concept can significantly improve the stabil-
ity of the RF GUN operation compared to the current
control concept, i.e. less detuning and therefore less
RF power variations leading to constant power dissi-
In the future the model predictive control concept
can be further developed by adding constraints, dis-
turbance rejection or a nonlinear approach. An im-
provement of the model would be possible with bet-
ter measurement information e.g. by a mobile flow
measurement. Afterwards the controller could be re-
alized on hardware at XFEL and test can be con-
ducted at FLASH. Additionally the model could be
used for other approaches like model-based fault de-
tection. This makes sense because of the high com-
plexity of the whole free-electron laser facility.
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