Summarizing our results, we can conclude that,
despite non-perfect reciprocity of meteor burst
channel, the Meteor Key Distribution is feasible in
practice. Physical parameters of each individual
meteor link essentially affect the performance of the
key distribution process making it unique for the
given radio link. Despite the humble key generation
rate, we believe that MKD systems could be useful
in practice. Their advantages are much greater key
distribution distances (up to 2000 km), low cost
equipment, vitality and ability to operate under
conditions of severe climate such as in polar and
other remote regions.
Our study presents the very first attempt to evaluate
a performance of Meteor Key Distribution systems
with an account of full complex of the physical layer
effects of meteor burst channel (MBC). To deal with
the channel non-reciprocity and diurnal variations
effects, we used a MBC simulation model with
improved electrodynamic and astronomical
calculations unit.
Our simulation results proved that, despite non-
perfect reciprocity of meteor burst channel, the
Meteor Key Distribution is feasible in practice.
Physical parameters of each individual meteor link
essentially affect the performance of the key
distribution process making it unique for the given
radio link. The main factor limiting key generation
rate is low meteor activity and its diurnal variation.
As show presented estimates, a shared key of 571
bits in length could be generated for a 24 hour
period at the Paris-Colmar meteor link with a peak
key generation rate about 59 bits per hour. Similar
estimates performed for the Vienna-Colmar meteor
link show 2081 bits as a daily key length with a peak
rate about 157 bits per hour, respectively.
Despite the humble key generation rates
presented, we believe that MKD systems could be
useful in practice. Specifically, they might be used
for key distribution at up to 2000 km distances in
such applications as AES, lightweight cryptography
like CLEFIA, and hash-based post-quantum
As we stated in the beginning, for the radio
channel to be applicable in key distribution
purposes, it must meet the three basic requirements:
1) randomness, 2) reciprocity and 3) spatial
selectivity. Hence, the spatial selectivity of meteor
burst channel must be addressed at the next stage of
justification of the Meteor Key Distribution systems.
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