Meta-modelling the Strategic Alignment Model for Aligning Information
Systems Support to Specific Application Domains
Oscar Avila
and Virginie Goepp
Department of Systems and Computing Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Los Andes, Bogot
a, Colombia
INSA de Strasbourg-Icube, Strasbourg, France
Information System, Metamodel, Strategic Alignment, Strategic Alignment Model (SAM), Specific Domain.
In the current competitive worlwide market, Information Systems (IS) are today necessaries in order to sup-
port specific application domains or business areas that can give a strategic advantage to organizations. In this
context, IS alignment that exists when the IS and business goals and activities are in concordance, becomes
crucial. Several approaches have been proposed for building IS alignment. However, for aligning IS support to
specific application domains it is necessary to deal with their specific characteristics. Reviewing the literature,
IS alignment approaches addressing these specific characteristics have been proposed by extending the Strate-
gic Alignment Model (SAM) (Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993). Nevertheless, means for building new
models from the SAM constitutive elements have not been proposed yet. To cope with this lack, we propose
two metamodels: the SAM static view metamodel and the SAM dynamic view metamodel. The instantiation
of these metamodels enables the build up of new models addressing the alignment of IS support to specific
application domains.
In recent years, the emergency of a competitive worl-
wide market and other evolutive forces have impacted
several industrial sectors resulting in increased com-
petitiveness needs. These challenges have encouraged
the development of flexible Information Systems (IS)
supporting specific application domains such as man-
ufacturing, finance, knowledge management that can
give a strategic advantage to companies.
As a result the role and importance of such IS have
changed significantly over time shifting from simple
activity and business process support to competitive
advantage provider (Gao et al., 2008; Wu and Ellis,
2000). To meet this objective IS strategic alignment
that studies the link between the IS and the business
organisations goals and activities, becomes crucial. It
exists when both elements are in harmony (McKeen
and Smith, 2003). Thus, it is not surprising that ex-
ecutives rank alignment for almost 30 years as a top
priority and major concern (Luftman and Ben-Zvi,
Several approaches have been proposed for build-
ing IS alignment (Avila et al., 2009; Ullah and Lai,
2013). Most of them address general characteris-
tics related to Business and Information Technologies
(IT) domains. However, for aligning IS support to
specific application domains it is necessary to deal
with their specific characteristics. Indeed, these do-
mains are characterized by: (i) the heterogeneity of
the activities involved in their processes (Goepp et al.,
2008; Kalpic and Polajnar, 1997); (ii) the range of
users that are various and not experts in IT. As a re-
sult they have specific needs that have to be taken into
account through personalization in usability and func-
tionality (Fan and Poole, 2006); and (iii), the need
for integration between the IS support to these do-
mains and other systems, infrastructures and facili-
ties of the company (i.e. manufacturing infrastruc-
tures, ERP systems, ...) (Lin et al., 2012). In this
way, generic IS alignment approaches are no suitable
as they do not address these specificities. As a result
approaches for aligning IS support to specific appli-
cation domains are necessary.
Reviewing the literature, IS alignment approaches
for specific application domains have been proposed
mainly by extending the Strategic Alignment Model
(SAM) (Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993). The
SAM draws a distinction between the external per-
spective of IT (IT strategy) and its internal devel-
opment (technology infrastructure and IT processes).
From this point of view, the SAM explicitly gives a
Avila O. and Goepp V..
Meta-modelling the Strategic Alignment Model for Aligning Information Systems Support to Specific Application Domains.
DOI: 10.5220/0005568300940099
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2015), pages 94-99
ISBN: 978-989-758-113-7
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
strategic role to and structures IT to support the ex-
ternal positioning of the company. The same ratio-
nal can be applied to specific application domains by
applying the SAM constitutive elements to these do-
mains. However these elements have not been for-
malized yet and there are no means of facilitating the
creation of new specific models for specific domains.
Indeed, existing extensions such as (Goedvolk et al.,
2000; Maes, 1999; Sun and Chen, 2008) extends the
SAM from scratch, without following any extension
formalism or logic, what prevents the fully exploita-
tion of the whole SAM characteristics for alignment.
Therefore the objective of this paper is to provide
means for supporting the building of models for align-
ing IS support to specific application domains that
can give a strategic advantage to the company. Such
means consist in two metamodels of the SAM which
allows the construction of new models by the instan-
tiation of its constitutive elements. To succeed in,
firstly we analyse the SAM and its existing extensions
in order to extract their constitutive elements. Then,
from these elements, we define the two SAM meta-
models: (i) the metamodel of the SAM static view (or
SAM structure) and (ii) the metamodel of the SAM
dynamic view (or SAM alignment sequences) which
constitutes means for the construction of new models
by instantiating them. This paper presents our pro-
posal as follows: Section 2 presents the SAM model.
Section 3 analyses SAM extensions. Section 4 de-
scribes the SAM metamodels. Finally, section 5 con-
cludes the paper and outlines future work.
2.1 The SAM Structure
The SAM (Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993) is
structured in terms of three classes of concepts:
Domains: two domains are involved: Business
and IT;
Perspectives or levels: these split domains into
two subdomains: external (strategy) and internal
Components: each subdomain is further detailed
through three components describing the set of
decisions to be taken in the alignment border:
scope, competencies and governance in the exter-
nal level; infrastructure, skills and processes in the
internal level.
2.2 SAM Building Blocks and
Alignment Sequences
The SAM is conceptualized in terms of two funda-
mental characteristics of strategic management also
called building blocks (Henderson and Venkatraman,
Strategic fit: the interrelationships between exter-
nal and internal levels of a domain and
Functional integration: integration between the
Business and the IT domains. On the internal
level, it is named operational integration. On the
external level, the link between Business and IT
strategies refers to strategic integration.
According to (Luftman et al., 1993), a domain can
be classified according to its position in an alignment
sequence as (i) Anchor domain; (ii) Pivot domain;
(iii) Impacted domain. In (Henderson and Venkatra-
man, 1993) four alignment sequences are provided
that address strategic fit and functional integration.
They follow three building rules:
Alignment rule A: An alignment sequence deals
with a cross-domain relation in the form of a
strategic fit and a functional integration, implying
three domains.
Alignment rule B: An alignment sequence runs
from the anchor domain to the impacted domain
through the pivot domain.
Alignment rule C: the SAM considers only
planned sequences as a result the anchor domain
takes place at the external level.
The four proposed sequences are described in Ta-
ble 1 in which we represent the anchor domain with a
square, the pivot domain with point and the impacted
one with a triangle.
Table 1: SAM alignment perspectives adapted from (Hen-
derson and Venkatraman, 1993).
Name of the
Anchor domain
Strategy Execution Business strategy
Business strategy
Competitive Potential
IT strategy
Service Level
IT strategy
2.3 SAM Explotatiton Works
The SAM has attracted a lot of researchers. The
works related to the use and exploitation of the SAM,
can be divided in three main research streams: (i)
enhancement of the SAM use through additional ex-
ploitation processes; (ii) application of the SAM to
other research fields and (iv) SAM extensions.
The first stream tries to operationalize the SAM
for management purposes at a strategic level. For ex-
ample, in (Luftman et al., 1993) the SAM and the four
planned sequences are exploited in order to choose
the IT strategy and planning method that the best fits
to a given sequence. In (Luftman, 1996), the model is
reviewed in order to identify enablers and inhibitors
to alignment within organisation. In (Avison et al.,
2004), the SAM is completed with a set of steps help-
ing managers to identify the current level of alignment
with the business and also to control future alignment.
The second research stream is more recent and
consists in using the SAM as a framework exploited
for a specific concern or coupled with other fields.
First, in the area of inter-organizational IS alignment,
the SAM is used as a basis to tackle this specific kind
of alignment (Neubert et al., 2011) and (Sun and Lai,
2011). Second, the SAM is replaced in other research
fields such as enterprise architecture design (Lopata
et al., 2012; Van Eck et al., 2004; Wang et al., 2008) or
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)
(Esmaili et al., 2010; Kashanchi and Toland, 2006).
Last, the SAM has been extended in order to
give a more strategic role to specific application do-
mains or business areas and deal with their specific
characteristics. Among the extensions of the SAM
we can find the Generic Framework (Maes, 1999),
the Integrated Architecture Framework (IAF) (Goed-
volk et al., 2000), the Unified framework (Maes
et al., 2000) and the Knowledge Management Strate-
gic Alignment Model (KMSAM) (Sun and Chen,
2008). An analysis of these extensions is made in or-
der to verify the potential contributions of these works
to our goal. Thus, for each extension, we present how
the extension was performed and its features and ob-
3.1 The Generic Framework
Maes proposes in (Maes, 1999), the Generic Frame-
work that aims at separating the issues related to in-
formation management to these related to IT support,
while providing a central role to information. This
framework is a double extension of the original SAM:
(i) The first extension consists in replacing the internal
level (structure and process) of the original SAM by
two new levels: the “structure” and “operations” lev-
els. The structure level, allocated to the centre, plays
the role of “hub” between the formulation of long-
term strategic vision (strategy level) and the perform-
ing of organizational short-term operations (opera-
tions level). (ii) The second extension adds a new do-
main, namely, “Information / Communication” (I/C)
which seeks to separate the issues related to informa-
tion management to these related to IT support, while
giving a central role to the information.
The only subdomains remaining unchanged in this
extension are Business strategy and IT strategy. Other
subdomains contain modified components from those
proposed in the original SAM. However, the content
of different components of the generic framework are
not detailed and remain therefore fuzzy.
3.2 Integrated Architecture Framework
The Integrated Architecture Framework (IAF) (Goed-
volk et al., 2000) aims at supporting Enterprise Ar-
chitecture work. It is a three dimension framework.
The first dimension represents the domains that are
taken into account. There are four domains. As,
for the generic framework, the information domain
is added. The IT domain is further divided into in-
formation system and technology infrastructure. The
second dimension is the levels addressed. There are
three: the contextual level related to the external level
of the SAM and the conceptual, logical and physical
levels related to the internal level of SAM. They cor-
respond to design phases. The third dimension intro-
duces specific concerns, for example, Governance and
Security. Both concerns aim at integrating related is-
sues at the four framework domains. This framework
does not describe the characteristics of its dimensions,
domains or levels.
3.3 The Unified Framework
The unified framework (Maes et al., 2000) combines
the generic framework and the IAF. Both frameworks
have different purposes. The generic framework is a
tool for management, enabling to position and interre-
late the different aspects of information management
and hence of the business-IT relationship. The IAF
is a design tool, aiming at the development of mutu-
ally aligned business and IT system through a unified
architecture. As a result, the unified framework con-
tents both management and design components. The
columns of the unified framework are the same as for
the IAF but renamed technology systems and technol-
ogy infrastructure. The rows detail the management
concerns with the three levels of the unified frame-
work (strategy, structure, operations). The third di-
mension represents the design concerns. The contex-
tual design level is mapped to the strategy level. The
conceptual, logical and transformational design lev-
els are mapped to the structure level. Here, the SAM
structure is refined with additional domains and levels
and further extended with an additional dimension.
3.4 Knowledge Management Strategic
Alignment Model (KMSAM)
The KMSAM (Sun and Chen, 2008) is the result of
a study made by the authors on the importance of
aligning Business, Knowledge Management and IT
strategies. According to this study, the alignment of
these three strategies can lead to improve knowledge
management and organization performance. This ex-
tension involves: (i) A new external domain to the
original SAM, i.e., the knowledge management strat-
egy, which nature is not detailed (ii) Two alignment
sequences between the new external domain (knowl-
edge management strategy) and the two external do-
mains originally defined in the SAM (Business strat-
egy and IT strategy). The interpretation of the two
alignment sequences is described as follows: (i) On
the one hand, the alignment between the IT strat-
egy and the Knowledge Management strategy is inter-
preted by the authors as the choice of IT support for
knowledge storage and the creation of knowledge net-
works. (ii) On the other hand, the alignment between
Business strategy, IT strategy and Knowledge Man-
agement strategy is interpreted as the development of
knowledge resources (models, networks, etc.) to ar-
ticulate the implementation of the Business strategy
within the organization, while using the most adapted
3.5 Analysis of the SAM Extensions
Works previously studied aim at extending the struc-
ture of the original SAM and providing alignment
sequences. Works extending the SAM structure add
Domains: Works adding new organizational do-
mains like (Maes, 1999; Goedvolk et al., 2000;
Sun and Chen, 2008) attempt to give a more
strategic role to these domains, taking advantage
of their features, to improve the performance of
the organization or strengthen its position on the
Levels or perspectives: Works adding new per-
spectives or levels to the original SAM (Maes,
1999; Sun and Chen, 2008) intend to synchronize
strategic objectives, placed externally and gener-
ally defined to long-term, and the deployment of
resources, placed internally and generally defined
to medium / short term.
Dimensions: The only work adding a new dimen-
sion is the IAF (Goedvolk et al., 2000). It aims
at integrating concerns related to “governance”
and “security” to the 4 domains proposed in this
These works do not detail the nature or composi-
tion of the dimensions, levels or domains added. In-
deed, the generic framework is the only work describ-
ing the components that constitute the added domains.
However, this description is fairly general and does
not specifically detail the decisions and activities re-
lated to each component.
Concerning the alignment sequences, the exten-
sion works, with exception of the KMSAM, do not
provide new ones for aligning the new domains to
those already existing in the original SAM. The KM-
SAM provides two alignment sequences for integrat-
ing the Business, Knowledge Management and IT
strategies. However, these alignment sequences do
not support the implementation and execution of these
strategies because the internal level is not taken into
3.6 Towards the SAM Metamodels
A metamodel abstracts the concepts and relations of
a specific domain and represents the structure of this
specific domain defining what can and cannot be ex-
pressed in the models (K
uhne, 2006). Typically, the
process of models and metamodels construction fol-
lows a chronological order where the metamodel is
created before the model. However, in some con-
texts this is not the case (G
omez et al., 2012).That
is the case of IS alignment context, in which the con-
struction of the SAM and its extensions models did
not follow this order. In fact, the SAM was proposed
by replicating the Business domain structure in order
to build up the IT domain. Therefore, as the Busi-
ness domain involved two levels (external and inter-
nal) and three components at each level, the IT do-
main includes: two levels with three components at
each level. Furthermore, as we argued in the last sub-
section, the SAM extensions for specific applications
were built up mainly by replying this same logic.
In order to facilitate the construction of new SAM
extensions we propose to metamodel the SAM struc-
ture and alignment sequences. Indeed, the instantia-
tion of the resulting metamodels will allow the build-
ing of the structure for specific IS alignment models
as well as the proposition of specific alignment se-
quences. To succeed in we undertake the following
work in the next section: (i) An analysis of the struc-
ture of the original SAM and its extensions, what we
call the SAM static view, in order to identify their
structure principles and provide the static metamodel
view. (ii) An analysis of the alignment sequences of
the original SAM, what we call the SAM dynamic
view, in order to find out their building principles and
provide the dynamic metamodel view.
A metamodel is a way to describe the elements of
the reality and the valid ways to relate them (B
2005). Thus, using metamodels is very pertinent in
the IS alignment field as alignment models need to
be built by following semantic concepts representing
components, issues, concerns.
4.1 Static Metamodel View
As we showed in the last section, the static view of the
SAM and its extensions includes structure elements
such as: domains, levels, concerns and components.
In fact, the SAM domains are devised by levels and
are characterised by components on which concerns
must be addressed. We propose thus to take into con-
sideration four structure elements for the static meta-
model view (see Figure 1):
Domain: representing functional areas, organisa-
tional areas, organisational viewpoint etc.
Level: dividing domains and giving them abstrac-
tion or implementation hierarchy.
Component: complex constituent grouping deci-
sions with similar characteristics for the domains.
Concern: representing matters or issues (gover-
nance, security, etc.) on related components.
4.2 Dynamic Metamodel View
As we showed previously, alignment between SAM
domains involves the following conceptual elements
that we take into consideration for the dynamic view
metamodel (see Figure 2):
Building block: relationship representing align-
ment between two domains or two levels.
Alignment sequence: cross domain relationship
that involves more than one building block.
Figure 1: Metamodel of the SAM static view.
Role: characterising domains in the alignment se-
Building Rules: principles that governs the con-
struction of alignment sequences.
Figure 2: Metamodel of the SAM dynamic view.
IS alignment is a crucial concern for many compa-
nies seeking the best value from their IT investments.
To succeed, analyst need models on which they can
rely. In this boarder, our objective here is to provide
means to work out such models that are adapted to
specific concerns and application areas such as man-
ufacturing, product design or finance. Therefore we
propose to extract the metamodels of the SAM that
is one of the most widespread models of alignment.
On the one hand we build the static metamodel view
formalizing the concepts of domain, level, compo-
nent and concern. This view enables the formaliza-
tion of the decisions that have to be made to build
strategic alignment. On the other hand we propose
the dynamic metamodel view. It formalizes align-
ment building blocks, domain roles and building rules
for building specific alignment sequences. These rep-
resent the way the decisions are interrelated during
alignment. These metamodels are a first step to create
new alignment models for specific areas or concern.
However to show their applicability it is necessary to
address a study case and to facilitate the building of
new models and alignment sequences from them to
implement a software tool.
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