quantified. In the light of the experimental results
presented, the following conclusions can be drawn:
• The cutting forces proved to be more sensitive
to the TCP speed than it is for the cutting speed;
they increased as the TCP speed increased.
• Results show that during high speed robotic
trimming, inaccuracies of the serial robot
kinematic, the mechanical compliance of the
robot and the effective process forces are
leading to large trajectory deviations which
leads to profile errors and dimensional errors.
• Results show also that trajectory deviations and
delamination are the main sources of error
affecting the accuracy of CFRP parts.
• The robot configuration, which is optimally
suited to perform the trimming task, is reached
by using a relatively folded configuration and a
minimal displacement of the joint 1.
During high-speed robotic trimming of CFRP,
the higher cutting forces and the lower stiffness of
the robot, lead to high levels of vibrations.
Regenerative vibrations create chatter. Chatter not
only limits the productivity of cutting processes, but
also causes delamination, poor surface finish,
reduces geometrical accuracy and in some cases,
rejection of machined parts. As future work, it
would be interesting to study the relationship
between cutting conditions and chatter, chatter and
delamination, chatter and tool wear and finally
chatter and surface roughness. A study on the
stability lobes for the prediction of chatter formation
could be also interesting.
On the other hand, results show that trajectory
deviations are the most sources of error affecting the
accuracy of CFRP parts. To reduce the effect of
trajectory deviations, it might be interesting to
propose compensation strategies for this error.
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