to adaptive advertising systems and be integrated into
any website, which support hypotheses H9 and H10
“It is useful and easy to integrate the user model
creation tool in any JSP website”. In addition, this
model would facilitate the extension and expansion of
existing systems and would offer a flexibility that we
believe will help any business to personalise their
advertisements, without the need to overhaul their
existing business model. The website can call a
method that resides on the same site in a specified
location, using a code to manage all advertisements
on that page, to alter them according to adaptation
rules (Stash et al., 2007) and to keep records of those
that have been displayed and clicked in the user
model for current and future adaptation. These
outcomes support hypothesis H11 to some extent, as
any website administrator can understand, use, and
update the stereotypes.
In this paper, a lightweight user modelling approach
has been proposed. It could help Internet users to
register to any web-based e-commerce system, and
thus help companies’ access their target audience
more directly, by tailoring their marketing campaigns
towards specific consumer demographics and
focusing their advertisements on users who satisfy a
predetermined range of criteria. Based on the
outcome of theoretical and practical testing, a
minimum set of user model dimensions have been
validated. The evaluation results indicate that the
initial functionality and usability of the small
prototype system is promising. Further modifications
are planned, based on the suggestions offered by
survey respondents. The user modelling tool can be
refined further, by taking into account user feedback
and creating a lightweight adaptive system that is
more customisable, and based on the needs and
preferences of Internet users. As an immediate next
step, in our follow-up studies, the delivery engine will
be implemented, which is resident on the same
website server, to deliver the advertisements to
Internet users. This part parses the contents in the
XML file and uses adaptation strategies to send the
appropriate advertisements to the appropriate user,
based on their user model.
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