Table 1: System configuration for experiments.
System configuration
Processor: Intel Xeon E5630 @2.53GHz
Memory: 12 GB
GPU memory: 2 GB GDDR5
OS: Debian GNU/Linux
NVIDIA driver: 340.32
Table 2: Average computation times.
Voxel Grid Dimension Time
512 ×256 ×128 ≈ 1500ms
256 ×256 ×128 ≈ 700ms
256 ×256 ×64 ≈ 300ms
256 ×128 ×128 ≈ 350ms
256 ×128 ×64 ≈ 180ms
128 ×128 ×128 ≈ 200ms
128 ×128 ×64 ≈ 110ms
128 ×64 ×64 ≈ 60ms
64 ×64 ×64 ≈ 35ms
In this paper we have presented a fast and robust ap-
proach for extracting keypoints from an unstructured
3-D point cloud. The algorithm is highly paralleliz-
able and can be implemented on modern GPUs.
We have analyzed the performance of our ap-
proach in comparison to four state-of-the-art 3-D key-
point detection algorithms by comparing their results
on a number of 3-D objects from a large-scale hierar-
chical multi-view RGB-D object dataset.
Our approach has been proven to outperform other
3-D keypoint detection algorithms in terms of relative
repeatability of keypoints. Results in terms of abso-
lute repeatability rates are less significant. An impor-
tant advantage of our approach is its speed. We are
able to compute the 3-D keypoints within a time of
300ms for most of the tested objects.
Furthermore, the results show a stable behavior of
the keypoint detection algorithm even on point clouds
with added noise. Thus, our algorithm might be a
fast and more robust alternative for systems that use
sparse sampling or mesh decimation methods to cre-
ate a set of 3-D keypoints.
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