Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance using Online Trajectory Time-scaling and
Local Replanning
Ran Zhao
and Daniel Sidobre
CNRS, LAAS, 7 Avenue du Colonel Roche, F-31400 Toulouse, France
Univ. de Toulouse, LAAS, F-31400 Toulouse, France
Univ. de Toulouse, UPS, LAAS, F-31400 Toulouse, France
Obstacle Avoidance, Velocity Obstacles, Trajectory Time-scaling, Local Replanning.
In various circumstances, planning at trajectory level is very useful to generate flexible collision-free motions
for autonomous robots, especially when the system interacts with humans or human environment. This paper
presents a simple and fast obstacle avoidance algorithm that operates at the trajectory level in real-time. The
algorithm uses the Velocity Obstacle to obtain the boundary conditions required to avoid a dynamic obstacle,
and then adjust the time evolution using the non-linear trajectory time-scaling scheme. A trajectory local
replanning method is applied to make a detour when the static obstacles block the advance path of the robot,
which leads to failure of implementing time-scaling approach. Cubic polynomial functions are used to describe
trajectories, which brings sufficient flexibility in terms of providing higher order smoothness. We applied this
algorithm on reaching tasks for a mobile robot. Simulation results demonstrate that the technique can generate
collision-free motion in real time.
To achieve a large variety of tasks in interaction with
human or human environments, autonomous robots
must have the capability to quickly generate collision-
free motions. Significant research has been per-
formed in the modeling of the path planning problem.
Sample-based planners such as rapidly-exploring ran-
dom trees (RRTs)(LaValle and Kuffner, 2001), or
probabilistic roadmaps (PRMs)(Kavraki et al., 1996)
generate the motion as collision-free paths, which the
robot is expected to follow. They are often fast, but
they generate a global path using an environmental
model and update the planned path when the planned
path is blocked by unmapped obstacles. As a result,
they can not deal with unknown environments with a
large number of dynamic obstacles.
To make the robot more reactive, it is reasonable
to replace paths by trajectories as the interface be-
tween planners and controllers, and to add a trajectory
planner as an intermediate level in the software archi-
tecture. To react to environment changes, the trajec-
tory planning must be done in real time. Meanwhile,
the robot needs to guarantee the human safety and the
absence of collision. So the model for trajectory must
allow fast computation and easy communication be-
tween the different components, including path plan-
ner, trajectory generator, collision checker and con-
troller. To avoid the replan of an entire trajectory, the
model must allow slowing down or deforming locally
a trajectory.
To assure the collision safety of an autonomous
robot in dynamic environment, the velocity of obsta-
cles should be considered when planning the robots
trajectory. The concept of Velocity Obstacle for ob-
stacle avoidance was proposed in (Fiorini and Shillert,
1998) and was later extended to the case of reactive
collision avoidance among multiple robots in (van den
Berg et al., 2011a),(van den Berg et al., 2011b). Ve-
locity obstacles (VOs) represent a subset of the veloc-
ity space where a mobile robot and a dynamic obsta-
cle collide in the future when the mobile robot moves
at a velocity of the VO.
Trajectory time-scaling methods are generally
used to adjust the speed or torque while maintain-
ing the tracking path. The trajectory time-scaling
schemes proposed in (Dahl and Nielsen, 1989) and
(Morenon-Valenzuela, 2006) are used in execution of
fast trajectories along a geometric path, where the
motion is limited by torque constraints. (Szadeczky-
Kardoss and Kiss, 2006) gives an on-line time-scaling
methods based on the tracking error. In this study, we
Zhao R. and Sidobre D..
Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance using Online Trajectory Time-scaling and Local Replanning.
DOI: 10.5220/0005570204140421
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2015), pages 414-421
ISBN: 978-989-758-123-6
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)