Application of 3D Navier-Stokes Equations and Mathematical
Optimization Techniques to Improve the Efficiency of Seven-Stage
Axial Compressor
Oleg V. Baturin, Grigorii M. Popov, Evgeny S. Goryachkin and Yilia D. Novikova
Department of Aircraft Engine Theory, Samara State Aerospace University, Samara, Russian Federation
Keywords: High Pressure Compressor, Efficiency, Optimization, Numerical Model, Performance Map.
Abstract: The paper presents the results of an optimization of the high-pressure compressor of the engine NK-36ST
using the mathematical optimization techniques. The article describes in detail the search algorithm of the
optimal form of the compressor blades using the software package Numeca and software package IOSO.
The description of the used numerical model is given, its verification was carried out. It is shown that only
by correcting the stagger angles of the blade rows the efficiency of the considered compressor can be
increased by 1.5% at the current position of the working point on the characteristic of the compressor. Also
the search possibility of compromise solution that provides a simultaneous increase in the efficiency of the
compressor in two modes is shown.
The gas turbine plants (GTP) must always be
improved to retain a share in the market and to
successfully compete with the newly appearing
products. The designers and manufacturers of the
engines must constantly work to reduce the costs.
They should identify and remedy the defects, find
actions to increase durability of details, that will
increase the engine resource and time of its life. The
cost of fuel makes up a large part of the life cycle
cost of the engine and the reduction of consumption
can provide the significant economic benefits
(Kulagin, 2002).
All engine-enterprises are faced with problem
described above. Such as JSC "Kuznetsov". This
company is located in Samara (Russia) and it is the
manufacturer of the GTP for the drive of the gas
compressor units and the electric generating station
with the capacity from 4 to 32 MW. Over the past
five years the company carries out active work to
modernize the engine NK-36ST with the capacity 25
MW. This engine is used to drive the gas
compressor units. It is made according to the scheme
with the free turbine (FT) and it has the three-shaft
gas generator based on the aircraft turbofan engine
(turbojet). The company is conducted the search
operations that is aimed at the overall efficiency
increasing of the engine for 2...3%. Samara State
Aerospace University (SSAU) also is involved in
this work. The work on the modernization of the
engine NK-36ST is supported by Government of
Russian Federation.
The series of the thermodynamic calculations
was carried out in SSAU and it was shown that the
components of the high-pressure stage and the FT
have the greatest influence on the working process
and efficiency of the GTP. The values of the
coefficients of impact on the overall efficiency
(Kulagin, 2002) of the high pressure compressor
(HPC), the high pressure turbine (HPT) and the FT
are equal to 0.167, 0.202 and 0.284 (Kuzmichev,
Rybakov, Tkacheno, Krupenich, 2014).
To the authors team of the this article it was
tasked to find the ways of the HPC efficiency
increase of the engine NK-36ST for the operation
mode which is corresponding to 100% capacity of
the power plant (25 MW). This compressor is axial,
seven stage, subsonic. The value of the pressure
ratio at n=100% is
=4,2. In order to reduce the
manufacturing costs of the modernized version the
JSC "Kuznetsov" has set severe restrictions. It was
forbidden to change any elements of the rotor and
stator except blades, but also the shape of blade
airfoil should remain unchanged as much as
possible. In fact, to obtain the compressor efficiency
increase it is planned to correct only the stagger
V. Baturin O., M. Popov G., S. Goryachkin E. and D. Novikova Y..
Application of 3D Navier-Stokes Equations and Mathematical Optimization Techniques to Improve the Efficiency of Seven-Stage Axial Compressor.
DOI: 10.5220/0005570302270232
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2015),
pages 227-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-120-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)