navigation for a large number of space experiments,
taking into account the possibility to implement data
fusion algorithms including the inertial
A device has been developed for the navigation of a
free floating platform, dedicated to experiments
involving space operations. The device has been
named Lab Star Tracker (LST) since, like a space
star tracker, it uses a set of features acquired by
means of a camera in order to determine its attitude.
Differently from the space star trackers, also the
position with respect to an inertial frame can be
determined. The working principles at the basis of
the LST have been reported, together with the
algorithms that are required to make the system
robust with respect to false acquisitions and missed
acquisitions. The performance of the system has
been first simulated by means of a dedicated
software tool which reproduces the image of the
features, and then tested by means of an
experimental setup. A planar two-links manipulator
has been used to move the LST along known
trajectories. The LST measurements have been
compared with the true trajectory, and the
performance in terms of attitude and position
accuracy have been established. In details, an error
below 1deg and 1cm have been found for attitude
and position, which is a level of accuracy that can be
satisfactory for a large number of operational
scenarios. Future developments of the LST will
consist in adding a Wi-Fi link, and increasing the
image resolution up to high definition levels,
maintaining an acceptable sample time. Finally, the
influence of the keypoints distribution should be
studied, in order to find optimal “constellations” that
allow for a minimization of the navigation error.
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