The spark advance efficiency observer converges to
the optimal value, 1, for Cylinders 2 and 4. Cylinder
1 converges to the same value as Figure 12, 0.81,
and Cylinder 3 converges to 0.94. Using the inverse
of (22), the following spark advance degrees and
imbalances can be identified:
Imbalance : 20
This paper has presented a methodology to
manipulate hybrid dynamic systems as periodic
models and adapt them to crank-angle domain. Such
an adaptation can lead to the construction of a
periodic nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno representation,
allowing using efficient tools such as LMI. Thanks
to this methodology, this paper presents how to build
periodic TS observers and demonstrates with
examples such as individual cylinder air mass,
global produced torque or individual cylinder spark
advance efficiency, allowing the detection of an
imbalance between the cylinders. This can lead to a
tuned spark advance control, including auto-
balancing of the cylinders.
This research is sponsored by the International
Campus on Safety and Intermodality in
Transportation the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region, the
European Community, the Regional Delegation for
Research and Technology, the Ministry of Higher
Education and Research, and the French National
Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
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