Impact of Optical Preamplifier Beat Noise on Inter-Satellite Coherent
Optical Communication System
Xiangnan Liu, Chengyong Xiang, Liang Zhang and Yingfei Li
Beijing Research Institute of Telemetry, South Dahongmen Road 1, Feng Tai District, Beijing, China
Keywords: Optical Preamplifier, Coherent Optical Communication, ASE Noise.
Abstract: The performance of Inter-Satellite coherent optical communication systems is partly limited by the beat
noise between the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noises and local oscillator. In order to improve the
optical detection sensitivity in inter-satellite optical communication links, a model of inter-satellite coherent
optical communication is established. And the origin of noise in this system with optical pre-amplifier is
investigated. The impact of optical pre-amplifier key parameters on performance of inter-satellite coherent
optical communication systems is discussed. Besides, bit error rate (BER) versus signal power, noise figure
and gain are numerically calculated. The results illustrated that it is effective to improve the optical
detection sensitivity and degrade the bit error rate using an optical pre-amplifier with low noise figure.
Optical communication in space is an attractive and
available alternative to classical RF communication.
Optical space communication systems have the
potential for substantially higher data rates than RF-
based solutions with similar onboard mass, volume
and power consumption. Besides, optical space
communication does not require frequency
regulation and provides inherently secure data links
by means of a high beam directivity (Björn Gütlich,
2013; Patricia Martin-Pimentel, 2014).
Several optical space communication missions have
been successfully demonstrated and verified in the
recent past, and are today used in commercial
system (F. Heine, 2015; Daniel Troendle, 2014;
Mark Gregory, 2012).
Nowadays, inter-satellite coherent optical
communication draws more research interests as a
coherent BPSK data transmission at a data rate of
5.625 Gbps has been performed in-orbit between
satellite NFIRE and satellite TerraSAR-X (B.
Smutny, 2008).
In the inter-satellite coherent optical communication
system, the optical preamplifier could provide the
higher gain and detection sensitivity. However, as
the introduction of optical preamplifier, which
enhances the system performance but brings a new
challenge. That is the beat noise between the
amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noises from
optical preamplifier and local oscillator (LO),
reducing the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
(P. C. Becker, 1999).
As far as we know, there are not many literatures
examining the impact of beat noise on Inter-Satellite
Coherent Optical Communication System
In this paper, we first describe the mathematical
expression of beat noise between the ASE noise and
LO in an inter-satellite coherent receiver.
Subsequently, the impacts of different parameters on
the system’s performance are investigated.
2.1 System Setup
A system setup of an inter-satellite coherent optical
communication link is showed in Figure 1. The
coherent receiver is homodyne BPSK synchronous
receiver. In the inter-satellite link, the main noise to
impair the system includes the beat noise induced by
LO and ASE noises, shot noise, thermal noise, and
background noise. Throughout this paper, all the
parameters used in analysis are listed in Table 1
unless specified.
Liu X., Xiang C., Zhang L. and Li Y..
Impact of Optical Preamplifier Beat Noise on Inter-Satellite Coherent Optical Communication System.
DOI: 10.5220/0005570900480051
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS-2015), pages 48-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-116-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)