level by introducing the possibility of autonomously
addressing end-to-end requirements and constraints.
In such a dynamic environment, two
requirements should be taken into consideration for
network control: scalability and mobility, as the
network should be aware of nodes joining and
leaving the system at any time and of their impact on
the performance and other operating parameters of
the network.
Such a lively scenario has significant similarities
with biological systems or colonies, and as a
consequence biologically-inspired approaches can
be considered as promising references due to the fact
that they are highly capable of self-adaptation and
especially evolution, even though relatively slow at
adapting to the changes in the environment.
Adding cognition to the existing WMN
infrastructure will bring about many benefits. In
order to pursue this idea, the paper proposes a
framework to support the design, implementation of
CWMN based on ideas such as evolutionary
programming in bio-nets and multi-agents and
actually starts to bridge the gap between conceptual
similarity and actual design.
The biologically inspired techniques in
information technology is not a new, many attempts
have been concentrated in the area of optimization
(Yu et al., 2010). However we can learn
considerable lessons from biological systems and we
have mainly to concentrate on the adaptability,
scalability, self-organizational and robustness
properties of such systems. Studying the symbiotic
nature of bio-systems can result in obtaining a
beneficial understanding on the behaviour of
distributed systems. Many key factors may be
observed in bio-systems like self-organizational
behaviour which can be considered as the most
important property describing systems consisting of
autonomous entities (ants, bees, etc.). These systems
tend to group together into certain structures very
similar to biological systems where overall state of
the system depends on individual behaviours and its
collection. In general, four basic principles can be
seen in the self-organizational property of bio-
systems which have to be introduced in our
proposed architecture.
First, positive feedback involves reinforcement
to enable the system to evolve, and to promote the
creation. Also, positive feedback behaves as
amplifier for a desired outcome, whereby negative
feedback is to influence from previous adaptations
which were not successful.
Second, bio-inspired systems, in general, do not
rely on any global control unit, but operate in an
entirely autonomous and distributed way. Whereby
the individual units acquires the information,
processes and stores locally. However, in order to
generate a self-organized structure, entities need to
interchange knowledge with each other; either by
direct or indirect interactions among them. Also,
self-organized structures relies on randomness and
fluctuation to enable the discovery of new solutions
and to boost the resilience and the stability of the
Third, self-organization is also seen in swarm
cognition. In biological systems, the intelligent and
well-organized behaviour of insects can often be
observed. For instance, ants solve complex tasks,
like nest-building or food-collection, by delegating
simple tasks to each other. In such emergent
systems, it is the collective work of all single
activities that determines the outcome and not the
individual work. Such a behaviour is usually
referred to as swarm cognition (Yu et al., 2010).The
collaboration of insect societies is based on a
process in which a group of workers is assigned
specialized tasks in parallel in order to increase the
efficiency of the swarm(Yu et al., 2010). All insect
types have a division of labour which can be seen in
its 'organizational structure' that consists of workers
of different reproductive castes and layers. In Ants
colony, the insect is not aware of the global
conditions but gains the input only by interactions
with other members of the species that are locally
close within the rank in the 'structure'. This process
may occur either by direct contact or indirect
interaction. Direct contact can be chemical or visual
while in the indirect interaction, one entity
influences the environment while another responds
to that change later on. For instance, Ants
communicate with each other using pheromones that
other ants follow, thus, reinforcing changed pattern.
This mechanism of indirect coordination is called
Summarizing, we propose to build a framework
for self-organizing cognitive wireless mesh networks
inspired by the above observations.
The network consists of mesh routers, mesh clients,
WiFi, Sensors, cellular network, conventional clients
and internet as shown in figure 1. This presents the
typical topology of a hierarchical Wireless Mesh
The proposed architecture aims at providing
global control of the topology using a distributed