In this paper a new meta-heuristic, called Co-
Operation of Biology Related Algorithms, was
described, and its modification COBRA-bm was
introduced for solving multi-objective optimization
problems with binary variables.
We illustrated the performance estimation of the
proposed algorithms on subsets of test functions.
Then we used the described optimization
methods for the automated design of ANN-based
classifiers in two medicine diagnosis problems. The
binary multi-objective modification of COBRA was
used for the optimization of classifier structure and
the original COBRA was used for the adjustment of
weight coefficients both within the structure
selection process and for the final tuning of the best
selected structure.
This approach was applied to two real-world
classification problems. Solving these problems are
equivalent to solving big and hard optimization
problems where objective functions have many (up
to 150) variables and are given in the form of a
computational program. The suggested algorithms
successfully solved both problems with competitive
performance that allows us to consider the study
results as the confirmation of the reliability,
workability and usefulness of the algorithms in
solving real world optimization problems.
Research is performed with the financial support of
the Ministry of Education and Science of the
Russian Federation within the federal R&D
programme (project RFMEFI57414X0126).
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